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Deathmoons in 6th


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Never really liked playing with deathstars, but I have had quite a lot of succes with small deathmoon builds:


Divination Libby


Sternguards w/combiplas/melta


This Unit Can do everything. Even if footslogging they can really perform. They can take out meq/teq/mc/tanks with shooting (very reliable shooting with prescience) and they even do well in cc. Good amount of s5 attacks, a force weapon, s6 rending hits and rerolling hits. And if you have Corbs in base contact with that assaulting Trygon he will just laugh at 8 s6 ap2 attacks.

If you roll that counterassault/full BS snap shot psychic power your OP will Think twice about assaulting into lots of rapid fire special ammo owerwatch at bs4.


Well, thats a build I have tried out. Do any of you have a succesful 6th edition build you want to share?

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Deathmoon? Is that a thing?


Lib/Sang/Stern is a winner in anyones book. They'll get plastered with fire by anyone who knows what they can do, but left to thier devices will contently murder anything (within reason) in range.


Well, its not really a thing...yet! Lets call it powerful combos below 400pts.


Sure this unit will get shot at, but thats why corbulo is there. The LoS has been nerfed a little with the faq, but with 2 IC you can cover more angles for the first couple of turns at least.


Anyways I was interested if any of you have any good combos?

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Deathmoon? Is that a thing?

"That's no moon... that's a space station!"

... couldn't resist. :)


As to the topic, I'm not really a fan of huge "deathstar" type units either. They can be undeniably effective, but I don't like relying on one unit that much usually.

There are plenty of "tip-of-the-spear" --ie. aggressive lynchpin type options-- that work well even at less than 400 points.


• Death company in a Pod with a Chaplain or Reclusiarch can easily manage a very tough unit for under 400

• Similar to your own suggestion, Sternguard with Tycho and standard Priest gives you a very respectable shooty unit and considering their veteran stat line and ability to take 2 PWs (Serg & Priest) plus Tycho's Vulcan Death GripTM gives you a very good reason for opponents to avoid charging you as well.

• Anther good one is just a Sanguinary Guard unit with a Priest --don't even necessarily involve some big, bad, HQ character. Keep 'em lean and expendable enough that if and when they finally get worn down and killed, you've still got enough stuff around to win the game anyway.

• A Furioso Dreadnought with Talons in a Stormraven is also a combo that can make a real mess of standard troop units for a very reasonable price. You just need a list that goes well with it.

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Divination Libby


Sternguards w/combiplas/melta

A unit like that almost asks for the Epistolary upgrade to the Librarian. Divination was tailor-made to boost shooty units; 4/6 rollable powers make excellent combos matched with Prescience. Problem as noted will be Str8+ AP3 weapons, which are disappearing but still out there (mostly in melta form). Used correctly with screening and fixing of major threats posed to them, this unit could be a 'nice to have' in friendly or even perhaps semi-competitive play. I'm curious now, I've got to add them to my playtest queue.
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Divination Libby


Sternguards w/combiplas/melta

A unit like that almost asks for the Epistolary upgrade to the Librarian. Divination was tailor-made to boost shooty units; 4/6 rollable powers make excellent combos matched with Prescience. Problem as noted will be Str8+ AP3 weapons, which are disappearing but still out there (mostly in melta form). Used correctly with screening and fixing of major threats posed to them, this unit could be a 'nice to have' in friendly or even perhaps semi-competitive play. I'm curious now, I've got to add them to my playtest queue.


Epistolary is really tempting. In >1500 pts list I would definitely go for it. As to the s8 ap3 you can always hope for the 4++ psychic power. But hey, every marine fears s8 ap3.


Another thing. I usually run lists with ravens and the last divination power (something...gaze) is really helpful. 3 dice for reserves means that I can rule out chance in my strategy. Both if I want to come in fast and shooting, or if I want OPs fliers to enter first...Very nice


Dc squads are really good. I just have some issues about deployment. I usually put them in ravens, but 3 turns without doing anything is a lot for a 350pt unit...drop pod with bolters maybe?

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