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Storm Raven Conversion

John Rainbow

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So I decided to make my own Storm Raven based on the Terminator Salvation Hunter Killer. First off, it's not my original idea. I think a guy called Cain posted something similar on his BA blog and I thought it was badass so went for it. It's going pretty well so far, I've used drop pod bits to model some ceramite plating but still have a long way to go. I want to do some more plating - maybe using plasticard - and need to smooth it all out and fill gaps with green stuff later. Getting it onto a flying base so I can actually use it in games is the next step but I'll continue working on it for the foreseeable. Any thoughts/comments guys? I'll add more pictures as it progresses.




The original Terminator HK model looks like this:



... and yes I have left the spring loaded and fully functioning missiles in the side of it! Can't wait to pop a Tervigon with a Bloodstrike missile at some point by actually shooting it across the board!

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I've seen this idea before, and was somewhat tempted to scavenge the model a bit for the VTOL thrusters on the side. The drop pod plating on the top looks ok to me. I have to be honest though, the "tail fins" look pretty atrocious. Its way too obvious that those are just the fins off a drop pod, so it looks like your "Raven" suffered an improbable mid-air collision with a falling pod.


Moving beyond that, I'd look to 40k it (yes, that's now a verb) up more, particularly getting proper weapons for it. Spring-loaded blood strike missiles sounds pretty sweet though.

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Agreed that I need to 40k it up! It's too 'smooth' at the moment, hence why I want to do some more armour plates with plasticard. I actually have a turret underneath with magnetised weapons (only using assault cannons so far) and the multi-melta bit from the actual Storm Raven is on the nose in this image. I would like to reinforce the fact that this is no where near finished yet though!


As for the tail, I actually quite like the drop pod struts. I'm not sure whether to remove the circular sticky-up bits at the base of the tail though as I agree that these look a bit silly.


My other 'big' current issue is what to do with the engine pods as they're way too circular for a Space Marine unit. I need some way to introduce some hard edges and extra bits without going too Orky and it just looking like I bolted various bits onto it. I guess I'll just have to be careful with it.

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If it doesn't look like a brick it's Xenos.


Purge it.




Although that's a really cool conversion brother, it can only be so sleek through one of two means: It's archeotech, or it's xenos based. Hmm.


That said, I'd tow the archeotech route. :D

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Nice to see someone using my idea ;) Just Ignore the haters bud. I had the same comments when I did mine. Funny thing was I got all kind of comments about it not being Imperial and looking Tau. But everyone who's seen it in real life has had nothing but good comments about it. I even find it funny that GW then used a similar idea for their Talon. Anywho, you're doing a great job so far :( If you need any more inspiration for it, mine is on my BA Blog linked in my sig.



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