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Anyone know how to construct a Land Raider Ares?

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Here is one : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=262617


And on Warseer there is another thread plus some vidoes on youtube


http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/457797.page mentions that you need a Vindi and LR plus...

If you buy the Land Raider Terminus Ultra Upgrade sprue along with it, the leftover pieces from the Vindicator to make a Rhino can now be made into a Predator or Razorback.


Your search-fu is weak :P

There's a fair bit of cutting fitting, and filing to be done. Hopefully this helps.


The front plate of the vindicator is too big to fit into the LR so needs to be cut on the  sides. I guided off the view port and mount for the opposite headlight, which actually leaves you a little short so I suggest measuring out a bit to get a flush fit on the angles armour plates up top.


I shaved the ridge where the assault ramp hatch normally sits and filled in the remaining gaps with lightweight stone clay, but you can use anything much else.




The assault ramp was just cut short and tucked under the vindi front plate. You can also see I cut the siege shield mounts short to bring it in closer to the main body.




As for said siege shield, unless you extend it out it ends up looking much too dinky.

The side pieces you normally fit in behind the shield now sit out on the side of the main body of the shield. There will be some rather large gaps, once again filled with clay or other fillers.




The picture above also shows the flame storms I converted to be twin linked heavy flames. 


Here's the behind shot, I just cut the rear flames pieces in the middle of their rise then glued em together, they don't hold together very well to be honest. The flamestorms just had the middle body cut out then glued again.




To finish off the kit I used the heavy armour from ForgeWorld. I've yet to add any of the extra vents and fans so can't help there. But hope this was of use.


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