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Scout Squad


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I have the following scout squad.


Sergeant w/ CS (Shhh its really a PCS in disguise.)

Scout w/ BP and CC x 4

Scout w/ Shotgun x 4

Scout w/ HB


I haven't used scouts in ages and I am trying to determine whether to sell/trade them or keep them. The HB sucked because the squad had to always remain still to use it and Shotguns were not the best weapon in past rule sets. However, 6th edition does bring snap fire to help the HB, but took out the assault after outflank. I think purchased as is they come out to roughly 105 points.


Can you offer me some suggestions on the best way I could be using these models?



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give the them all sniper rifles... except for the Hvy Bolter and have them camp an objective, these guys are good at that, I run 4 Sniper Rifles and a ML as a deck chair unit, they don't do much usually but some times they kill a little, Infiltrate can also be great in relic games, also pretty useful if you win the infiltrate roll off at dispupting other infiltrators (a common new Chaos SM tactic atleast from what I have seen at my store)


With the Sniper Rifles range/precision/ and rending abilities I suggest NOT taking camo cloaks since I set them up in ruins almost all the time and since they are there to score not kill, they go to ground when fired at alot, claiming a 2+ cover save... pretty good, and no need to buy camo cloaks (saving 15 pts) also Sniper Rifles don't care about toughness values so shoot them at high toughness models to make the most of their wounds on 4+ rule, Waithlords get shot in the eye just like grots :-)

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Well, first off, that's not 105 points, but 165 points.


Second, while shotguns are kinda fun, I'm not convinced that they're worthwhile in just about any case. Boltguns have longer range and a strictly better statline, and bolt pistol + CCW is usually better for assaulting, especially because you can't kill them so much with shooting that their deaths put you out of charge range. However, since the initiative bonus on Furious Charge was removed, I can see how shotguns could help you clear out enemy squads before they get too many opportunities to hit you, but that's dubiously useful at best, especially with a Heavy Bolter on hand.

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I agree that sniper rifles seem to be about the only way to run Scouts at the moment with any reliability. The fact they can would anything has been commented on but it really is a valuable ability. If you make something like a Talos or Carnifex roll enough saves it's bound to fail a few eventually!
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If you play the shotguns as 'count-as' bolters (I would not have problem, most opponents wouldn't either) then I feel there is certainly potential in the squad.


150pts for the squad, I'd recommend no camo-cloaks because then they are as expensive as Tactical Marines which are better in more situations (ie more Tactically Flexible).


The Heavy Bolter is a dud sadly, but if you take an Allied contigent of Vanilla Space Marines then it can be excellent. The vanilla SM Scout HB comes with that small-blast hellfire round with Poisoned 2+ rule which has certain allure. Then you can combat squad the Scouts, and again if you allied Space Marines then you can take Lysander-- attach Lysander to 5 Scouts and Outflank with him to severely threaten a rear-corner objective.


Taken as Blood Angel Scouts, they are a Strategic selection because cheaper units are rare in our codex. They are tactically limited but they are strategically flexible because they can squat on backfield objectives economically, they can outflank to contest or score side-field objectives in mid/late game, or they can infiltrate to setup screens to protect you main forces against Turn 1 deepstrikers (Droppods/Daemons).


Also with Infiltrate, you can deploy an Aegis Defense Line with Quadgun exactly in the middle of the table. Scouts can Infiltrate in plain sight, 18" from the enemy but then use their Scout redeployment to go the extra 6" into the defense line, hence manning the quadgun from Turn 1. Then you have a nice "middle of the table" fortification for your Jumper Marines to use as cover on their approach. With being midfield like that, the need for Sniper Rifles is lower than the need for closer ranged weapons.

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I have to say I have a soft spot for my Scouts despite not being able to get them into every list I write (I'd probably buy more if the plastic models weren't so dire). Firstly, despite it being primarily for Vanillas have a look at the 6th Edition Scout Tactica by greatcrusade08 as this should give you some basics.


In my opinion for a Blood Angel force a squad like yours can be used as a screen, as a supporting assault unit (a Scout Squad can be almost as good as an assault squad given our force multipliers) or used as outlined by CAG above.


Are you able to convert or change those miniatures a little? You only ever really need 2 assault weapons in a close combat orientated squad so if possible convert two of the Shot Gun Scouts to have a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword. Keep the Heavy Bolter for the times when your Squad doesn't move (if it goes camping), he can always use his Bolt Pistol or toss a grenade when on the move.


Sadly though, a lot of people often overlook Scouts and then they wonder why our Chapter is "dying" :)

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If you expect any flyers then scouts with Sniper rifles & Camo cloaks sat in Aegis Defence Line with Quad-gun (Skyfire) on top of an objective towards the back of your deployment zone ticks so many boxes for me:

- Scoring

- occasional chance to pick out characters inside units

- watch opponents regret taking flyers and focus a lot of fire on them (with Cover saves) while your assaults move across the board


However I'm sure many will suggest that at 245 points this could be better spent elsewhere.

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I have received some interesting ideas.


@ CitadelArmyGuy Considering the fact I would rather not purchase new scouts 's your idea has the most merit and actually sounds worth a try.


@ Deschenus Maximus I LOLed


@ Jolemai I am wondering if this is a worthwhile tactic at all. Then again my assault squads usually end up getting assaulted first, but usually prevail non the less. Converting them is almost out of the question as they are the 1 piece 3rd edition scouts and are all metal. The CC scouts maybe. The shotguns are a no go as the weapons are held at the waist. Plus I am not the best converted and much less any good at using green stuff.

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