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Tomorrow, the Mechanicon! my first major 6th Tournament


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Well this weekend is it,

Tomorrow I head out for the Mechanicon, where Tony Spino and his posse put on my favorite event of the year. This year being held in a new venue in North Jersey in conjunction with the War Store Weekend.

As some of you know, this year I have also been working on a new project, and have painted a new Iron Warriors army for this years events. I actually painted this army rather quickly, though it is a little on the small side, I'm not displeased with the way it turned out.

Here is my final list

HQ: Warpsmith

Troops: 10x Chaos Marines, 2x MG, Champ has PF and Combi-mg

Rhino transport with Havoc launcher

Troops: 5x Chaos Marines

Troops: 10x Cultists with Heavy Stubber

Troops: 10x Cultists with Heavy Stubber, Champion has a shotgun

Elite: 5x Chaos Terminators with 1x chainfist, 2x Combi-mg, 1x Combi-pg, 2x Power Lances, 2x Power axes

Land Raider Transport

Heavy support: Defiler

Heavy support: Forge Fiend, Ecotplasma all around

Heavy support: Chaos Vindicator with siege shield


Go ahead, you can laugh at the list, it may not win every game, but it sure has been a blast to play. and I feel it really captures my own vision of the Iron Warriors and a Dark Mechanicus type army.

Here is a quick pic of my Warpsmith


and here is a quick pic of a couple of the marines with the cultists in the background


There are more pictures on my blog, the link is in my sig.

Stay tuned for some battle reports...

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