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World Eaters colours


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Planning my World Eaters army I've just thought about the colours.


I like the pre-heresy colours a lot and don't know exactly when the legion changed the colours and why.


For example, I know the changes in Black Legion colour, even in Word Bearers. But haven't read anything about WE.


Do anyone knows when and why the legion changed?


Is possible that some WE keep the old colours?

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Do anyone knows when and why the legion changed?


Is possible that some WE keep the old colours?


Around the time they decided to wear Bunny-hats.


Yes, if you plan on doing them pre-heresy you even should. It's your army, there are no true rules on how to paint them.

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Well in the audionovel The Butcher's Nails, Lorgar suggests Angron to paint his armour red as it is always soaked in blood. Angron tihinks upon it and realizes that many other astartes suggested the same, thus I belive that when their allegiance to Khorne was made manifest, the World Eaters have begun to adopt the typical trappings of the Khornate faith, namely the blood red colour, the blood rituals and the elaborate headpieces, of which Khârn wears one even during the Gread Crusade era.
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Well in the audionovel The Butcher's Nails, Lorgar suggests Angron to paint his armour red as it is always soaked in blood. Angron tihinks upon it and realizes that many other astartes suggested the same, thus I belive that when their allegiance to Khorne was made manifest, the World Eaters have begun to adopt the typical trappings of the Khornate faith, namely the blood red colour, the blood rituals and the elaborate headpieces, of which Khârn wears one even during the Gread Crusade era.


Yes, Khârn was a bit of a trendsetter, also liked to set things on fire, he did that to.

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I figured it was sometime between Isstvan V and Skalathrax (leaning more toward the Isstvan end of the spectrum). Good to know Butcher's Nails elaborates in the origins of the red armour.
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Sort of a related question. It says Khârn has carried Gorechild since the Great Crusade but in Horus Heresy: Betrayal Angron has Gorefather and Gorechild.


So it should have said that Khârn has carried it since the Heresy.

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Although it has yet to be explicitly stated, my best guess would be that it occurred at some point between Istvaan and the siege of the Imperial Palace, which according to current lore was actually a space of several years (7 I think) and during which time the legions descended fully into whatever particular morass of Chaos worship was their bag. By the way, according to Liber Chaotica (and the really old sourcebooks that inspired it) the World Eaters still sometimes leave various armor pieces in their original colors as a nod to their heritage so you could probably do that, or even field a Chosen squad in blood spattered white and blue if you really wanted without going too far outside of the fluff.
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As above, my personal research (which has now been super-ceded by BL and FW) led me to believe that between IstvaanV and the Seige of Terra the WE descended into the Khorne fanatics they are today.


Theres a story somewhere I cannto place ATM that has Sanguinius looking down at a sea of red armoured beserkers at the SoT. Theres also the collected visions pictures that give an idea as well.

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+ Edit : In regards to the whole "Bunny ears" thing, I'd be tempted to believe they predate the fall to Khorne :


I thought the whole Chaos iconography/numerology (the numbers of the gods, the khornate bunny ears, Tzeentch discs, etc) had pretty much been retconned to have originated within the legions themselves, no?


- The KSons use anti-grav discs to move around Prospero in 'A Thousand Sons'

- The Sons have been shown to wear the headcrests before the fall of prospero and Ahriman's rubric...

- Khârn already sported bunny ears before turning to Khorne, which could thus be assumed to be part of the WE heraldry like the sons' crests...

- The WE are somewhat tied to the number 8 (with 8th company captain Khârn being the one who finally manages to reason Angron after the failure of the Legion commander and first 7 company captains) already.

- Whereas the Death Guard already cherish number 7 as Mortarion's sacred number or something...


I'd thus come to assume that most of the associated imagery was now tied more closely to their respective original Legion than their respective god; the traditional plaguemarine gear could be attributed to the DG attire and younger Nurgle-aligned chapters could be assumed not to sport the same gas-masks, for example... And the god's sacred numbers could be assumed to be sacred to the legions themselves rather than the gods.


* I know the sacred numbers have long been known to be the gods' favored, it just seems that GW/BL seems to be hinting at something else now...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello brother,

I like yourself like the old legion colour scheme, from what i found their suits aren't painted but soaked in blood from centuries of bloody warfare. Which gave me the idea to paint the chosen from the DV box i have added to my force which is painted WE sceme, I will paint the chosen and Hq in the old legion colours but splattered with some blood and add hovering servo skulls, to show that their armour is maticuosly and constantly maintaned. and not left to get completely saturated and stained in blood and vser.


Anywayys thats my input and goo luck with it all


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have never really payed that much attention to the "old fluff" mostly when I started playing in late 3rd edtion, so I don't know about that. However, I have always kinda liked the idea of making a Khorne themed army in pristine white army. This is so that they can truly show their devotion to Khorne at the end of a battle as they become bathed in blood. I was thinking starting them in pristine white and adding blood patches to the units as they score kills in melee. Maybe some particularly horrendous stuff if they ever rack up some truly impressive kills.


Such as my assault squad that killed I think it was five carnifexs in the space of 2 games, all of a sudden started sporting carnifex bits! My fluff being that the sergeant's ThunderHammer broke upon killing the last one, and he repaired it with the remains of the Carnie.


I love things like this because it makes my army feel like it is evolving all the time, and lends to great stories as the army evolves.

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FYI - the bunny ears were grafted to their helmets to help intensify feedback from their neural implants. The chosen shape was selected to represent the icon of Khorne.


Red is obviously an appropriate choice for Khorne for all the obvious reasons.


G -_-

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I think all the traitors had changed their armour by the time the reached Terra. I know the HH artwork isn't always canon and certainly many captions in the book are totally wrong but the Word Bearers and Thousand Sons seemed to have altered their schemes by then and I guess the World Eaters probably had started converting before Terra as well.
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I can't find a reference for the WE colour change but the Word Bearers had started to change their own colours by the time of Calth, so it is likely that the WE changed colours early in the HH. At Terra Angron is seen in red at the storming of the palace according to Index Astartes but no mention of the rest of the legion.
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