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Zombies and Plague Marines


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Ok so I've been feverishly pooring over the dex writing up list after list. I have come to one sticking point with my army, and that is a proper troops choice. There are many benifits to both of our nurgly choices so I am torn how to run them. Do I overload on zombies and make my opponent weep as he has to figure out how to drop over a 100 models, or stick with the more traditional approach. I could also take a mix of each.


from what I can tell I'm comparing very cheap difficult to kill masses of wounds (for the low cost of 1130 points you get typhus and 210 zombies) or getting much tougher to kill models that can shoot, take special weapons but are much pricier (40 will run 960 before upgrades, not that I'd normally run that many).


What is everyone elses thoughts on the matter? I have run only one or the other and both seem to do the job, what are your experiances? Is it best to do one or the other, or do you like to mix them?

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Haven't run it yet (gotta get more zombies), but I think I'm going with a combination of troops. Two standard Plague Marine squads (meltas, PF, VotLW, Rhino), and two 35-strong zombie hordes. One horde of zombies will camp the backline objectives, while the other will advance and try to disrupt a large section of the table. The PMs will Rhino forward into decent cover to disembark, and start shooting stuff.


That's still a massive number of bodies on the field, at least way more than I'm used to as a Chaos player, plus the resilience, and reliability of Plague Marines. I'm also thinking of leading the zombie packs with Typhus and a lv 2 Termie Sorc (likely a Nurgle and a Pyro power for shooting from the backline horde). The HQs have plenty of room to hide behind a few bodies to make sure they don't get shot up, and if ever the horde is in assault, they can still go to work slicing things up while the zombies toss handfuls of dice in support.

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I normally play space wolves and have always loved typhus and love 6th even more for horde armies.


Add this to my love of zombies and i'm slowly coming to the dark side and may start a nurgle army


Now i'll get to the point, I've been writing up lists and think that a couple of 7 man plague marine squads with 3? 20-30 plague zombie squads


I mean how cool is it going to be with with 60-90 zombies ;)


Just looking at what best to support them with.

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I just tried a mixed bag today. List had typhus and a sorc, 3x2 oblits (first time usin em), 2x35 zombies, 11 plague marines, and 2 plasma cannon brutes.


I loved my zombies, plague marines have lots of options but zombies are just so good at doin what they do. One group held an objective, another caught an ass


squad and held it down from turn 3 till end of game. The more I play zombies the more I think I should just run them. 4x35 is only 600 points (830 w/ typhus) and gets you 140 bodies. spread em max coherency and even blast/flamers aren't that bad

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What assault squad did they tie up? I'm curious.


Yeah, max coherency is going to save them from some templates, but gawd what a nightmare that must be to move them all... I'm struggling with the idea of moving them, much less painting them! Speaking of, we need to start posting pics of our painted zombies, and any speed-painting techniques...

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That furioso was a pain though, killed 15 zombies before Typhus saved the day.


As for painting/modeling I currently own no zombies. I think I'm going to get vampire count zombies and make em look more nurgly. I've been running my deldar and tau as zombies for now as counts as. (Didn't want to purchase over 100 models and find out I didn't like em). I do dread painting them though....140 zombies will be ALOT of work.

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