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IA: Purifiers

Brother Captain Andrew

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http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc485/alphafox/40k%20Album/chaptericon-1.jpg[font=Courier New][size=3][b]PURIFIERS:[/b] .............. THE PURIFIERS

[b]FOUNDING:[/b] ..................3[sub]RD[/sub] [CIRCA 001.M32]


[b]FORTRESS MONASTERY:[/b] ........Flame of Purity, a Rampart-class starfort and Sword of Light, a relic Battlebarge


[b]KNOWN DESCENDANTS:[/b] .........Unknown[/size][/font]

[i]"We are the light in the darkness, we are the cleansing flame. – High Justice Azoth"[/i]


Space Marine Chapter whose name is both feared and respected across the Imperium, the Purifiers have built a fearsome reputation since its inception in M32. (Consultation of Inquistorial and Mechanicum archives verify the Chapter’s claim as part of the Third Founding, dated 001.M32) Direct descendants of the Ultramarines, The Purifiers are at once exemplars of their noble gene-sires and distant brothers from many of their fellow Astartes. Regardless none can decry the Chapter’s dedication to the Imperium or its martial prowess. Boasting a record of service dating back to the Imperium’s Golden Age, through to its current actions at Armageddon and the Eye of Terror, the Purifiers lay claim to one of the longest rolls of battle honors outside some of the Second Founding chapters.

Founded under the command of Captain Acanthus and the firebrand Chaplin Caius, two of the Ultramarine’s most innovative and aggressive commanders, the Purifers are one of the most daring and ruthless descendants of Roboute Guilliman. Granted the Relic battlebarge Sword of Light Originally tasked with the reclamation and expansion of the Imperium’s territory the Purifiers campaigned from the galactic south to the halo zone of the galactic west, until the threat of Waagh! The Beast drew them to the Castitas system. The Chapter’s heroic defense of the Castitas system helped to save Hydraphur but left the chapter devastated and near extinction. (See Battle Honors: The Castitas Campaign) Granted the Castitas system in recognition of its heroics, the Purifiers spent the rest of the millennium rebuilding, reorganizing, and fortifying itself and its new home in preparation to rejoin the front lines.

Over the next four millennia the Purifiers campaigned across the galaxy as they moved from warzone to warzone fighting against Black Crusades, The Nova Terra Interregnum, and countless xenos incursions. However at the dawn of what would become known as the Age of Apostasy the Purifiers were forced to turn their attention inward to face an internal enemy, the Ecclesiarchy. During the period known as the Reign of Blood the Chapter would witness one of the numerous Frateris Templars purges ordered by Goge Vandire. Upon learning that the populations were being purged without reason Chapter Champion Titus was enraged, and began to systematically destroy the Ecclesiarch’s forces in a brutal close quarters naval battle. Returning to Castitas after the battle, Chapter Champion Titus presented the footage of Ecclesiarches’ action to Chapter Master Justinian, enraged he ordered Titus to lead the bulk of the chapter to cripple the Frateris Templars. So began one blackest periods in the Chapter’s history, as the Purifiers moved system by system toward Terra, exterminating the members of the Ecclesiarchy sworn to Vandire on their way. Indeed it was only when news reached the Chapter that Sebastian Thor’s Confederation of Light had retaken Terra and executed Vandire that they stopped their genocidal crusade. As a result of the Chapter’s brutal reprisals to the Ecclesiarchies’ actions the relationship was broken and gave birth to a mutual hatred that would see the chapter brought near to excommunication.



ranted to the Purifiers after The Defense of Castitas, the Purifiers have subsequently built the Castitas system into an economic and military lynchpin at the intersection of Segmentum Solar, Segmentum Pacificus, and Segmentum Obscurus. Similar to many Ultramarine successors the Purifiers actively rule over Castitas and have united the population of the system under their rule, creating a martial culture of duty and honor above all else. Each of the eight habitable planets and moons boasts a chapter keep, which acts as a garrison for recruitment and training cadres assigned to each planet. These chapter keeps are dominated by the Purifiers fortress-monastery, Flame of Purity, a massive starfort which houses the Purifiers themselves. Locked in the gravity well of Castitas’ binary stars, the Flame of Purity is a relic from the dark age of technology who’s massive void shields gravity generators allow it to withstand in such harsh conditions and accommodate the Purifier’s large fleet. In addition the starfort also houses some of the largest cogitator engines outside of a forgeworld, which are capable of coordinating the firepower of the Flame of Purity, the chapter keeps, and the asteroid weapon emplacements into a massive system wide defense network.

In addition to the chapter itself the Castitas PDF is a force the equal of most Imperial Guard Regiments, and has fought in numerous campaigns across the galaxy both with and without the Purifiers.


roud successors of the Ultramarines, the Purifiers are adherents to the method of warfare laid out in the Codex Astartes by Primarch Roboute Guilliman. The Codex provides thousands ways to deal with any tactical situation allows The Purifiers to wage war with the precision and skill that has won them so many battle honors. It has been noted however that the Purifiers favor methods of warfare that bring them to grips with the enemy quickly such as Teleportaion, Drop Pods, and Thunderhawk insertion. These type of quick deployment methods allow the chapter to close onto range where their superior close range firepower and Close Comabt skills Chapter to bring its greatest expertise to bear in close ranged firefights hold great respect for the codex, however unlike many chapters they view the codex as a living document which should grow with every battle fought. It has been noted that within the confines of the Codex Astartes the Purifiers are a very aggressive chapter moving from strategic target to strategic target.


riginally a codex adherent chapter, the Purifiers’ reorganized themselves early in their existence following the devastation of the Chapter at Castitas. The companies assigned to defend each planet developed deep bonds with the population of their planets, and in recognition of their heroic service the each company began the tradition of recruiting from the planet they defended as they rebuilt the Chapter ranks.

The Chapter now consists of eight companies of 125 marines each commanded by a Justicar. Each of these companies consists of 15 veterans, 5 assault squads, 4 tactical squads, and 2 training squads (That are comprised of neophytes and full battle brothers). These eight companies are further divided into two groups. The 1st-4th companies comprise the Paladins and are responsible for the Chapter’s duties guarding against the Eye of Terror and generally operates in the space of Segmentum Pacificus and Obscurus. In contrast the 5th-8th companies comprise the Crusaders, whose primary mission is to continue the chapter’s founding mission of expanding the Imperium, as such the Crusaders move from hot spot to hot spot across the Imperium.


ike many space marine chapters the Purifiers revere the Emperor not as a God, but as the leader of humanity.


[b][i]Defense of Castitas[approx. 544.M32][/i][/b]

One of the hundreds of chapters called upon to confront Waagh! The Beast, the Purifiers mobilized the entirety of its strength to the Castitas system located at the shared border of Segmentum Solar, Segmentum Pacificus, and Segmentum Obscurus in an effort to slow a splinter of the massive Waagh! heading toward Hydraphur. Arriving first the Chapter chose to engage at the edge of the system, buying time for the human populations of the planets to consolidate and organize their defense planetside. Creating and 2 supporting kill boxes with their fleet assets the space marine fleet intercepted the Orks under Warboss Blacktoof at their translation point reaping a fearsome tally of kills before the orks could bring their guns to bear. However the sheer numbers of Space Hulks and Kill Kroozas overwhelmed the chapter’s trap within hours and forced the chapter into a fighting retreat to the relative safety of the advanced starfort locked in orbit between the binary stars where the ork vessels would be unable handle the gravitational forces.

Unable to stop the green tide sweeping into the system, Chapter Master Acanthus chose to split his forces in what would prove to be a key to victory. Landing seventy battle brothers with scout and armor support on each of the eight planets of the system, the first company veterans and the assault squads would remained in orbit conducting hit and run attacks against the ork fleet in orbit around each of the planets. These surgical raids crippled the ability of the Orks to mass overwhelming numbers against the planetary fortresses manned by the planetary defense forces and the marines. However with each passing day the Orks managed to bring more force to bear against the human defenders culminating in a massed landing of Gargants across the system.

Unable to counter the junk titans Chapter Master Acanthus chose a final desperate gambit. Assigning the remaining veterans and assault squads a planet to assault, the fleet would make a suicide run through the Ork forces to low orbit where the marines would deep strike directly onto the Gargants while Thunderhawks would deploy simultaneously launch and attack from orbit. Driving through the heart of the Ork fleet, the Purifers took massive fleet losses, but managed to carry out the plan across the system, tallying over 200 Gargants between the orbital bombardment, deep strike assault Thunderhawk attack. The daring assault broke the Ork offensive, and allowed the planet-side forces to clear a way through to the surrounded marines. However, the heroism was to prove nought but a reprieve as the green tide eventually recovered and grew even stronger. After nearly three months and billions dead across the Castitas system, nearly every bastion had fallen and the remains of the marines and population were fighting a desperate retreat. However, the time bought by the Chapter would finally pay off as a massive force of Imperial Navy, Imperial Guard, Space Marines, and the Legio Gryphonnicus arrived in system. Finally able to take the offensive the Purifiers would vent their fury by working with the White Consuls and methodically exterminating the Ork leadership, culminating in Chapter Champion Felix Pontius decapitation of Blacktoof which ultimately broke the Ork horde. All told the Purifiers sacrificed over 800 battle brothers and their entire fleet, save their crippled flagship, in defense of the Castitas system that would become their home.

[i]Battle of /Operation/Campaign Name[###.M##][/i][/b]

Age of Apostasy, capture of multiple renegade battleships

[i]Operation Phoenix[###.M##][/i][/b]

One of the Chapter’s greatest victories half the chapter would hear the distress call from GryphonneIV and help to hold off the tyranid’s long enough to evacuate the Legio Gryphonnica and many skitarii.


Battle-Brother Gaius

Purifiers 1st Company



Praetor Victus

Purifiers 1st Company

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Looking good so far. One query though: why exactly did the Purifiers change their chapter organisation after being decimated? What did they gain out of it that being codex adherent didn't already provide? Food for thought, brother.



Hopefully, ChapterMasterIgnisDomus will be along soon to check this out. The saga of the Purifiers continues. :)

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Looking good so far. One query though: why exactly did the Purifiers change their chapter organisation after being decimated? What did they gain out of it that being codex adherent didn't already provide? Food for thought, brother.


They changed their organization after being decimated in honor of the human populations of the planets who fought beside them and stopped the Ork Waagh!. Chapter 2-8 were all assigned to defense of one planet with veteran and scout support. The survivors of the campaign had bonded with the human defenders who fought by their sides and each company wanted to rebuild from the population of the planet they defended. Therefore the eight oversized companies. As for the company make-up that may need to be tweaked as I don't have much in the way of reason for the specific squad makeup. nice catch.


Also are their any suggestions for paint scheme? I've been kicking some around but haven't found one that has really grabbed me. I know I want the primary color to be white or silver, but other than that I'm a bit lost at the moment.


Thanks in advance.

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Also are their any suggestions for paint scheme? I've been kicking some around but haven't found one that has really grabbed me. I know I want the primary color to be white or silver, but other than that I'm a bit lost at the moment.


Hmm. I think CMID might have an idea or two regarding that. :(


Failing that, I could knock up a semi-random sample tomorrow. :D

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Congrats, Olis! You managed to lure me back in with that PM.


Greetings, Andrew! You are not in any way doomed to failure due to your taking of the name Purifiers, so don't let that dissuade you. Really. To find the previously developed lore on the glorious crusade of the Purifinator, feel free to search for Purifiers, and ignore any Grey Knights results, though I am eternally thankful to the good Mr. Ward for hearing my heartfelt pleas.


Color scheme is pretty much exactly as Heru says. In fact, that looks oddly familiar. It's as if I made it. Now continue the glorious path of the holy and pure Purificator Crusade of Purity, and prepare for a holy and righteous critique at the hands of the uncorruptible pen, specially using in Sister of Battle Type Three ink for this occasion. Unless I've been killed off in 'This is the Liber'...

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Congrats, Olis! You managed to lure me back in with that PM.


Greetings, Andrew! You are not in any way doomed to failure due to your taking of the name Purifiers, so don't let that dissuade you. Really. To find the previously developed lore on the glorious crusade of the Purifinator, feel free to search for Purifiers, and ignore any Grey Knights results, though I am eternally thankful to the good Mr. Ward for hearing my heartfelt pleas.


Color scheme is pretty much exactly as Heru says. In fact, that looks oddly familiar. It's as if I made it. Now continue the glorious path of the holy and pure Purificator Crusade of Purity, and prepare for a holy and righteous critique at the hands of the uncorruptible pen, specially using in Sister of Battle Type Three ink for this occasion. Unless I've been killed off in 'This is the Liber'...


Thanks guys, hopefully I'll be the one to break the curse. As for the color scheme was that was a big help Heru, I made some color couple of modifications, but kept basically the same scheme.


Moved to first post, and added Terminator scheme.

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