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Storm Krakens

Dark Apostle Thirst

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As a whole the Home world section fits well.


Both sides fear that their opponents might be true

Might be better to use "right" in place of "true" or even "correct"


The one question that comes to my mind (I might be jumping the gun here) is how does this planet produce younglings to become initiates?



Good point, I'll go with 'right', thanks ;) I'm still figuring out the recruitment process though, again trying to avoid the 'hunting the beasts' cliche... Since it's a well organized and a prosperous society, what about testing the youth who wish to join the Krakens for genetic compatibility and then doing some trials entirely of the chapter's own devising? Post detachment from Vriskan they will simply recruit from the closest worlds much like any other fleet based chapter.

"Release the Kraken!"






Anyway, I do like the home world bit, the storms area nice addition in my mind :) And for the recruiting process, I think the genetic purity isn't a bad start and it stops the "hunt the Kraken" cliché that could have ensued.



'mulls over various comments' Hmmmmmmm...


Ok, so things I need -


Clarification on the mammal debate (or possible removal of it)


Genetic testing for the recruits (pre-disengagement from Vriskan) x2


"Release the Kraken!" :P x2


An enemy that isn't the Carcharadons and may or may not have numerous Jack Sparrow references


Give me a moment to tear myself away from my pre-ordered Assassin's Creed 3 and it will be done ;)

Homeworld (cont.)


When the celebrations abate after the the start of the new year, the Krakens descend on the six tethered cities and proceed to test any willing recruits. First and foremost is the test for genetic compatibility to the geneseed, allowing the chapter to waylay many of the risks of taking in those who could possibly reject and destroy the geneseed given to them, though there are always those who cannot be joined to the flesh of the Lion. After that the candidates are put through a battery of physical, mental and spiritual competitions and tests. Most of these give the advantage towards those who act aggressively and seize the opportunities presented, but punish those who are too cautious. The Krakens have always adopted a stance of letting no chance go unused and attacking any weak point relentlessly and they pass these lessons on to the newest generations of young astartes.


Combat Doctine


The Krakens prefer ambushes and overwhelming force to tip the odds in their favor. Often times the enemy will find large detachments of orange and black astartes waiting for them deep inside the enemy's own territory. These actions tend to leave the chapter's own positions woefully understrength, much to the dismay of the people they are trying to protect. While this is somewhat balanced out that many attacks made by the opposing forces never reach Imperial lines because they were destroyed long before they could come close, most of the Kraken's allies would prefer that the astartes stand beside them, instead of ranging out where only the chapter can track them.


The few times that an ally has been allowed to see one of the surprise attacks made by the Krakens that friend has been shocked to see the ferocity of the chapter's assault. It is neither similar to the mad charges of the sons of Russ nor to the ponderous advances made by the Imperial Fists. No, an attack made by the Krakens is one that capitalizes on shock and simple relentlessness. Once an attack has been made it has been committed to and every Kraken knows the rule - always take one step forward. The entire force will walk in perfect synchronization as has been drilled into them since they donned their scout carapace and as they do so they will be enacting plans made as soon as the first enemy came in sight. Most squads have a designated 'headhunter' - the one who has the best markmanship and thus will snap shots to remove the oppositions leadership. The rest of the squad will typically pick out their targets and the sequence in which they will be slaughtered when the ambush begins. The sergeant is responsible for allowing the squad to adapt and directing them to take advantage of anything that will particularly benefit the chapter or weaken their foes. This style of warfare has become the trademark of the Krakens and the bear it with pride, to the point they have given it a nickname - to commit part of the chapter to battle in such a way is known as 'Releasing the Kraken'.







Ok still working on the Jack Sparrow bit in my head but what do you guys think? :P

This style of warfare has become the trademark of the Krakens and the bear it with pride, to the point they have given it a nickname - to commit part of the chapter to battle in such a way is known as 'Releasing the Kraken'.


I loved this bit

  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers guys :jaw:


Right, so here's the next part. It might go in history, or somewhere, not sure yet. One thing that should be cleared up before hand is that the warband has the chapter has a mostly black with orange color scheme like the Krakens, you'll see why soon enough.


One of the greatest hindrances to the Krakens' progress and threats to their still developing domain is the Black Thorn. Their name is truly fitting, for their efforts have been an immovable sufferance to the chapter. The warband was once thought conquered during M38, as the chapter continued to expand. As the worlds once held by the Black Thorn had their defences shattered and most of the Chaotic forces dead or repentant, the chapter of the First Legion flagged the world for purification and reclamation by the Ecclessiarchy and moved on. A few months later, the warband began to strike many of the vulnerable worlds recently joined to the Imperium. Furious, the chapter returned only to find husks and a few survivors fearful of the very marines trying to save them. Though the Krakens have managed to fight and destroy forces belonging to the Black Thorn, the more frequent occurrence is that very little life remains and it is all afraid of marines in black and orange armor. The warband seems to have made its colors a twisted version of the Storm Krakens' own image. The Black Thorn has become particularly despised because of this and to score a kill on these warriors, who vanish as soon as loyalists forces assemble, is seen as a sign of the Emperor's personal blessing.


As the chapter began to reach out past the Astronimicon they began to encounter another chapter that refused to identify itself, but bore armor of grey. The Krakens have taken to calling them 'Shamed Ones' as a result, as a joke about the inevitable thought that the chapter has something to hide. The Inner Circle among the Krakens have all been particularly amused at this nickname. The more the Shamed Ones were encountered the stronger the Black Thorn began to attack, and many in the chapter have thought this related. However, the grey chapter has never fired on or assaulted the Storm Krakens, even with numerous incidents where the Shamed Ones clearly had the upper hand over the sons of the Lion. This does not show much affection for the chapter however, and the Krakens for their own part are not very fond of the Shamed Ones either as they have been directly responsible for allowing a Fallen to escape, albeit unwittingly. Thus, the two chapters do much to avoid each other.




So the idea I had for this bit is to tie in the (possible) Carcharadon rivalry and the Jack Sparrow threat... did I achieve that? While also keeping options (that is, it being Carcharadons OR the Black Thorn) open?

I say success. Are you planning to develop the Black Thorn further in the IA itself, or give them their own IT? Your summation here seems pretty complete, but for a mention of Jack Sparrow hisself. I reall dig the idea of the warband turning locals against the Krakens by using near indistinguishable heraldry.
I say success. Are you planning to develop the Black Thorn further in the IA itself, or give them their own IT? Your summation here seems pretty complete, but for a mention of Jack Sparrow hisself. I really dig the idea of the warband turning locals against the Krakens by using near indistinguishable heraldry.

Nah, they pretty much exist to cause the Storm Krakens grief :) As for Jack Sparrow, I'm struggling to think of name which would be both fitting for the captain and not too blindingly obvious/look like a total rip off... :devil:

I say success. Are you planning to develop the Black Thorn further in the IA itself, or give them their own IT? Your summation here seems pretty complete, but for a mention of Jack Sparrow hisself. I really dig the idea of the warband turning locals against the Krakens by using near indistinguishable heraldry.

Nah, they pretty much exist to cause the Storm Krakens grief :D As for Jack Sparrow, I'm struggling to think of name which would be both fitting for the captain and not too blindingly obvious/look like a total rip off... :devil:


Having looked on Wikipedia for ideas, Sparrows are similar to Finches on size etc, although there are some differences. Perhaps Captain Fynch is a possible idea? Not sure what to suggest for the Captain's first name barring Jacques :)


Perhaps James Fynch?

As entertaining as it would be to see Jack in SM form, if he's just flavor, no real need to include him I think, unless you really want to. The Black Thorns are already a fantastically characterful counterpart to the Krakens.

I don't strictly need to add him, no, but if I can... ;)


...Perhaps James Fynch?


You are much better at this than I am and I am stealing that like nobody cares. James Fynch it is :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a bit more for that sidebar ;)


It is speculated that without Captain James Fynch, the Black Thorn would have long since ceased to exist, let alone continue to steadily draw blood from the Storm Krakens. Originally one of the sergeants of the First Company, James Fynch had risen to his rank slowly indeed. Constantly proven second best in the wargames, achievements and almost every other standard placed against the chapter's astartes. It was not one particular marine that continually proved himself better, but many, as Fynch moved from scout, to tactical, and finally to the First Company. On the surface, he would gain favor quickly with his superiors and gained leadership roles over individual squads. From there, however, he went nowhere, becoming senior sergeant in each position while others were promoted, even from his own squad. Often this was only because James Fynch was unwilling to sacrifice the marines beside him, and would withhold his squad from striking until the advantage was with them. Even when he began to plan his treachery, he protected his brothers to the very end of his loyalty to the chapter.


As a result, more than a few astartes followed Fynch when he left the chapter, fleeing with them as soon as the Krakens first encountered the Black Thorn. Knowing that Krakens would destroy the warband within a year Fynch took possession of the warband's fleet and ran once again, gathering new followers as he did so. For a decade, the new Black Thorn fed on the worlds supplying the Storm Krakens discreetly, masquerading as loyalist astartes, with Fynch titling as the captain of the force. Eventually his own force referred to him as captain, a title thought unique among the various warlords of Chaos. After nine years of quietly growing the Black Thorn's power, Captain James Fynch decided the advantage was with him and began to strike once more.

I like the new addition of Captain James Fynch, but there is something about the second paragraph that doesnt sit right in my head. I think it may just be the wording itself that may need to be reworked...or it may be my brain isnt fully awake yet. :lol:


Overall hes a great addition to your fluff and adds some good depth to the Krakens.

I like the new addition of Captain James Fynch, but there is something about the second paragraph that doesnt sit right in my head. I think it may just be the wording itself that may need to be reworked...or it may be my brain isnt fully awake yet. B)


Overall hes a great addition to your fluff and adds some good depth to the Krakens.

Nah, you're right - those are all single thought sentences. I'm not normally that careless ;)

I'm about to go overboard with ideas of 13 year deals with deamons for aid/success for the Black Thorn against the Krakens and black spots and alternate dimensions called The Locker. It's a good thing you're doing this, because my inhibitions would've been gone at the first mention of Jac--er, James Fynch XD. Awesome work!


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