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Storm Krakens

Dark Apostle Thirst

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"Release the Kraken!"



Chapter aproved refreshment of choice! http://blogs-images.forbes.com/chrismilligan/files/2011/01/Kraken-Rum.jpg

Was just drinking this last night. Its good stuff, and would agree with the chapter approved note from Xenthor

. After reading this.. I like the name change from Blood Krakens, to Storm Krakens. It's got a better flow for words. Your ship delema I alway's like to go with awesome pirate ship names like Queen Anne's Revenge. Here's a link for other pirate ship names'

And James isn't a very good Space marine name. it seems to non-40k for me. ( sorry to those out there with this first name) I thought of the simple name for James and thought of Jym. Yes, Captian Jym Fynch , captian of the ( insert ship name here). I almost fell outta my chair thinking of a Captian James.. Tyberius Kirk in PA. :)

Thanks Messor, and Rookster :D


And James isn't a very good Space marine name. it seems to non-40k for me. ( sorry to those out there with this first name) I thought of the simple name for James and thought of Jym. Yes, Captian Jym Fynch , captian of the ( insert ship name here). I almost fell outta my chair thinking of a Captian James.. Tyberius Kirk in PA. :D

I consider all names 40k, if only because the galaxy is so huge. Surely James came up again somewhere :D

Thanks Messor, and Rookster :D


And James isn't a very good Space marine name. it seems to non-40k for me. ( sorry to those out there with this first name) I thought of the simple name for James and thought of Jym. Yes, Captian Jym Fynch , captian of the ( insert ship name here). I almost fell outta my chair thinking of a Captian James.. Tyberius Kirk in PA. :D

I consider all names 40k, if only because the galaxy is so huge. Surely James came up again somewhere :D


If Kantor can make Pedro cool, then there is a chance for James :D


As for Compass of War for a ship name, I quite like it :)

Ok, thanks. Inspired me a bit to write the Organization, in fact...


Organization -


Before the breaking from Vriskan, the Storm Krakens followed the Codex Astartes like any other chapter, albeit with its parts being very free-ranged and independent. Once they became a fleet based chapter, however, their structuring changed to suit their new status. Taking a page from the parent chapter of the First Legion, the battle companies began to take care of their own recruitment and the First Company broke apart to join the battle companies as company veterans. This was vital to allowing the Storm Krakens to spread their range and power further, as the companies would not need to resupply their manpower nearly as often.


Once this was complete the chapter then decided to split the remaining companies into three separate battlegroups. The 2nd, 7th, 8th and 9th companies and the chapter command boarded the Compass of War, a venerable and ancient Battle-barge created for the Krakens when they were first created, accompanied by most of the chapter's supporting fleet. The 3rd and 6th companies embarked upon the strike cruisers The Herald of the Storm and Maw of the Ocean, while the 4th and 5th companies took command of the strike cruisers Clarity of Judgement and Wrath of the Monsoon. Rally points were designated amongst the reach of the Eastern Fringe and the chapter bid farewell to their young successor chapter, before launching their crusade against the traitorous and the xenos that threatened the Imperium.

So I'm back on the C&C warpath, and nobody is safe. :P

Here we go!

So guys. Every once in a while I find myself with a need to create a chapter idea. Now, this doesn't usually pan out so well but this one, this one will be done.


Because it involves Krakens. End of story :P

Good man. :lol:

If not for the Fallen, it is probably that such success would have never happened, for the chapter has been driven ever onward by the hunt for the traitors of Caliban. Indeed, the decree from one Chapter Master to next is always the same - "There will always be those traitors who seek to hide where they think the sons of the Lion will not find them. We cannot allow them to escape and gather strength. So go, as is your duty, veteran of the Inner Circle. Hunt them down until there are no more and we are no longer the Unforgiven Legion." These are the words given by the senior Grand Master of the Consecrators to the new Chapter Master of the Storm Krakens, and have since become tradition.

I point to you the perfect opportunity to use the words 'under the surface' and have it both fit thematically (it's a secret, also KRAKENS) and gramatically.

"If not for the Fallen, it is probably that such success would have never happened, for under the surface the chapter has been driven ever onward by the hunt for the traitors of Caliban."

Vriskan is the fourth world orbiting the star Karkation, bearing two moons. Salt water covers almost all of the surface of Vriskan, teeming with all manner of life forms. There are over five hundred shark species alone, and crabs, cephalopods, algae and countless other marine forms exist in the great ocean of Vriskan. Curiously there are no mammals, excepting the humans that live in the great floating hives. Many of the biologists of the Adeptus Mechanicus believe that this is due to the lack of land for mammals to develop on, but others believe that mammals developed from water and not the other way around and dispute the theory. Both groups, however, are greatly interested in vast diversity of life on world of Vriskan, especially the great Krakens that the protecting chapter is named for. These great beasts are huge monsters, often a full mile in length as adults and having lived a century to even reach that point. They are exceptionally rare specimens however, and all thirty four are closely monitored to ensure the specie's survival. More than a few think this is unnecessary, as they are naturally incredibly difficult to kill.

What does the lack of mammal life have to do with the Chapter?

The clockwork storms are the other object of fear amongst the people of Vriskan. The two moons, Kanyan and Terezion, pull at the tides and waves of the ocean world and do so directly opposite of each other. At the equinox - when Karkation and Terezion pull the water in the same direction - the highest peak on the other end of the planet is revealed, pointing straight at Terezion. Six of the cities use this hour long event to anchor themselves to the now available solid ground. The last city with the waters at the equinox, only doing so because it is the largest construct and thus the only one able to resist being overwhelmed by the initial rising of waters. When the equinox ends and the the star's grip no longer works with Karkation, the waters rush back across the world to spread evenly once more. The sheer volume of water and the momentum created cause a tsunami to rage as it sweeps Vriskan, and despite being much diluted by time it reaches the six anchored cities it is still a terrifying force that claims any who are not heavily sheltered from the storm. Even the great Kraken are disturbed by this annual event. Eventually, however, the storm abates, and the day that it does the new year is marked and celebration comes to the people of Vriskan.

I've read this line six times, and honestly have no idea what you're describing here. :wacko:

I might just be getting my extra-thick mode on, of course, but it might be worth looking at this line again.

The few times that an ally has been allowed to see one of the surprise attacks made by the Krakens that friend has been shocked to see the ferocity of the chapter's assault. It is neither similar to the mad charges of the sons of Russ nor to the ponderous advances made by the Imperial Fists. No, an attack made by the Krakens is one that capitalizes on shock and simple relentlessness. Once an attack has been made it has been committed to and every Kraken knows the rule - always take one step forward. The entire force will walk in perfect synchronization as has been drilled into them since they donned their scout carapace and as they do so they will be enacting plans made as soon as the first enemy came in sight. Most squads have a designated 'headhunter' - the one who has the best markmanship and thus will snap shots to remove the oppositions leadership. The rest of the squad will typically pick out their targets and the sequence in which they will be slaughtered when the ambush begins. The sergeant is responsible for allowing the squad to adapt and directing them to take advantage of anything that will particularly benefit the chapter or weaken their foes. This style of warfare has become the trademark of the Krakens and the bear it with pride, to the point they have given it a nickname - to commit part of the chapter to battle in such a way is known as 'Releasing the Kraken'.


I know you know that if I pick on something, I'm doing it because I genuinely have the best interests of the Chapter at heart, and am solely motivated by what it could become.

So when I look at this line and I say 'Good grief, no', it's not because I hate the line or to just be contrary. Now with that said:

Good grief, no.

Leaving aside the fact it's a bit tacky and layers the theme on thicker than an Iron Warrior artillery barrage, a line like that shouldn't just be an informal name for an attack tactic. It's basically ideal for a quote to slide in at the start of a section:

"Colonel, tell your men to draw back and leave a clear path. High Command is about to release the Krakens." General D'Vie Jhoness of the Tortagan 3rd Regiment.

And it's really got to be someone outside of the Chapter saying it. It just seems wrong otherwise, because it's basically 'release the, er, well, us'.

Color scheme - sm.php?b62c=@hiLNy_hWbMn.iakk7@@@@@@@h8jE8@.@@__@@@@__@@__@_@_@@__@@@__@@.hCDoJ@@@@@@@@@@@@@hDbPw.&

Dude, nice. ^_^

Once this was complete the chapter then decided to split the remaining companies into three separate battlegroups. The 2nd, 7th, 8th and 9th companies and the chapter command boarded the Compass of War, a venerable and ancient Battle-barge created for the Dark Angels in the Horus Heresy, accompanied by most of the chapter's supporting fleet. The 3rd and 6th companies embarked upon the strike cruisers The Herald of the Storm and Maw of the Ocean, while the 4th and 5th companies took command of the strike cruisers Clarity of Judgement and Wrath of the Monsoon. Rally points were designated amongst the reach of the Eastern Fringe and the chapter bid farewell to their young successor chapter, before launching their crusade against the traitorous and the xenos that threatened the Imperium.

Your 22nd founding Chapter has a battle-barge from the Horus Heresy.

Given the extreme veneration of older gear in the Imperium, I have no idea what you could possibly have said to convince the Dark Angels to part with that. :lol:

On the serious, though, I'd drop the age of the battle barge. It doesn't need to be old to be awesome, especially with a name like that.

Overall, this is pretty good stuff.

I'll keep an eye on it and try to help out where and when I can. ^_^

The last city with the waters at the equinox, only doing so because it is the largest construct and thus the only one able to resist being overwhelmed by the initial rising of waters


I think this sentence is basically explaining that the city survived only because it was big enough to withstand the high tidal forces at equinox.

The last city with the waters at the equinox, only doing so because it is the largest construct and thus the only one able to resist being overwhelmed by the initial rising of waters


I think this sentence is basically explaining that the city survived only because it was big enough to withstand the high tidal forces at equinox.


Oh, right.


Then in that case I think that using equinox for the name of the event as well as part of the description of what's going on caused my brain to scramble itself, and I'd reccomend dumbing it down for the slowpokes like myself. :blink:

I point to you the perfect opportunity to use the words 'under the surface' and have it both fit thematically (it's a secret, also KRAKENS) and gramatically.
Yes. Just yes.


What does the lack of mammal life have to do with the Chapter?

Point taken :blink:

I've read this line six times, and honestly have no idea what you're describing here. :D

I might just be getting my extra-thick mode on, of course, but it might be worth looking at this line again.

Will do. I did read Aquilanus's comment and he did nail it, however as you said making it easier to understand is probably better.



I know you know that if I pick on something, I'm doing it because I genuinely have the best interests of the Chapter at heart, and am solely motivated by what it could become.

So when I look at this line and I say 'Good grief, no', it's not because I hate the line or to just be contrary. Now with that said:


Good grief, no.


Leaving aside the fact it's a bit tacky and layers the theme on thicker than an Iron Warrior artillery barrage, a line like that shouldn't just be an informal name for an attack tactic. It's basically ideal for a quote to slide in at the start of a section:

"Colonel, tell your men to draw back and leave a clear path. High Command is about to release the Krakens." General D'Vie Jhoness of the Tortagan 3rd Regiment.


And it's really got to be someone outside of the Chapter saying it. It just seems wrong otherwise, because it's basically 'release the, er, well, us'.


Ah, blast, thought I really had something going there. I'll change it as you say.


Your 22nd founding Chapter has a battle-barge from the Horus Heresy.

Given the extreme veneration of older gear in the Imperium, I have no idea what you could possibly have said to convince the Dark Angels to part with that. :lol:


On the serious, though, I'd drop the age of the battle barge. It doesn't need to be old to be awesome, especially with a name like that.


Woops, I'm too used to writing older Founding chapters. The Kraken's age had slipped my mind, I'll change that :P




Thanks, always appreciate your CnC Ace :D



EDIT: Upon rereading the example quote Ace put up I realized what he had done with the general's name and regiment :lol:

Ok, so added the organization to the main article and put the sidebar in the history section because I thought it fit better there. So basically only formatting changes. I'm aware that the Krakens now suffer from wall of text syndrome and I'm going to ponder how to mix it up while I'm flying across the country tomorrow :lol:


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