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Clarification on Scoring


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Here's something I've been wondering for a bit. Does an IC attached to a scoring unit count as a scoring model itself? Most references I'm finding only refer to units with the scoring characteristic, so I'm thinking that attached ICs also count as part of the scoring unit. Others disagree with me though. So is scoring status handled on a model basis or on a unit basis?
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Page 39: "While an Independent Character is part of a unit, he counts as part of the unit for all rules purposes..."


So, Character + Scoring unit = Scoring Character. Yay! :)


Now, how about the reverse? Immovable Object says "Your Warlord is a scoring unit..." I don't think so.


Scoring Character + Unit =/= Scoring unit. Aww. :(

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In the case of Immovable Object, if the character model was within 3" , would it not still score? Or is that overridden by the IC rules upon joining a unit?


I definitely would not say that the rest of the unit could be measured to for scoring purposes, but the scoring is usually done unit-by-unit vs. model-by-model, even though you alwasy measure to the closest model, whose traits match its unit.

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It's overridden by the character joining the unit. Remember, "he counts as part of the unit for all rules purposes..."


Counts as part of that unit. Is that unit a scoring one? If yes, then he scores too. Is it not a scoring unit? Then no he doesn't either. This is just one reason why I almost never use the Personal chart. :P

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It's overridden by the character joining the unit. Remember, "he counts as part of the unit for all rules purposes..."


Counts as part of that unit. Is that unit a scoring one? If yes, then he scores too. Is it not a scoring unit? Then no he doesn't either. This is just one reason why I almost never use the Personal chart. :P


But if everybody in the nonscoring squad beside himself was killed he would be once more scoring, right?

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It's overridden by the character joining the unit. Remember, "he counts as part of the unit for all rules purposes..."


Counts as part of that unit. Is that unit a scoring one? If yes, then he scores too. Is it not a scoring unit? Then no he doesn't either. This is just one reason why I almost never use the Personal chart. :)



I don't agree with your reasoning. Joining a unit doesn't disqualify the special rules that only the IC has, unless the rule specifically says so. There are also rules that get granted to the unit or IC, so long as one model in that unit has the rule. Fearless for example, when and IC joins a unit, grants fearless to the entire unit.


If you look at the rule for controlling objectives, it says, "..if there is at least one model from one of your scoring units..."


So, he may not grant the unit scoring status, but the unit doesn't disqualify his scoring status either. As long as the Scoring Warlord is within 3" of the objective, it's still a victory point added to your tally.

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If that is your argument, then when an IC joins a scoring unit the entire unit stops being scoring because that rule is not conferred. Either that, or scoring status remains unaffected and both the unit or the Warlord keeps the scoring status special rule regardless of join status.


pg 39. Special rules "When an IC joins a unit, it might have different rules from those of the unit. Unless specified in the rule itself, the units special rules are not conferred upon the IC and the IC's special rules are not conferred upon the unit."


Also, there are only 4 restrictions that prevent a normally scoring unit from scoring. Being joined or joining another unit is not listed among those restrictions. pg. 123.

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