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Ahriman and Huron has this trait


D3 units gains infiltrate



1) I take Huron in my Army

2) at least 1 unit gains. I choose Huron.

3) During deploy I join Huron to a 4 terminator unit. All unit (huron + terminator) can now infiltrate

4) terminator has a land raider as dedicated transport, rules says they can infiltrate in it

5) unit with infiltrate also has outflank, so can huron and 4 terminator outfland in a land raider?


I think I can do all it, my doubt is that land raider is a dedicated transport for termies and not for huron so I'm not sure I can infiltrate/outflank with it.


What do you think?



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Ok, I read again the rule and I think I can't infiltrate huron in that way.


That's because rules says the a model with infiltrate don't give infiltrate to unit but only permits to that unit to infiltrate.


That's my doubt now..


Well, thats the same as giving it to them :)


Seriously though, unless (a friend of mine is borrowing my rule book, as I would like for him to learn the game so I can actually play against him, heh) I am very mistaken, which I very much doubt that I am on this particular issue, you may indeed infiltrate a unit that Huron or Ahriman joins without giving that unit "infiltrate". It`s enough that the HQ that has joined the unit at deployment, has that rule.


And good it is, as it`s one of our very few trumph cards to use against more competative codices. Infiltrating a wall of 10 terminators, which I have yet to do in one of my own games, sounds very intriguing to me...

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Dunno what's the problem, you give infiltrate to D3 units, they don't need to be the unit that the character joined.


And the character himself doesn't have the infiltrate rule, he just give it to D3 infantry units. Join an unit, and then give the infiltrate to it, if you really want the char to infiltrate with them.

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Dunno what's the problem, you give infiltrate to D3 units, they don't need to be the unit that the character joined.


And the character himself doesn't have the infiltrate rule, he just give it to D3 infantry units. Join an unit, and then give the infiltrate to it, if you really want the char to infiltrate with them.

an IC without infiltrate cannot join units with infiltrate during deploy

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Dunno what's the problem, you give infiltrate to D3 units, they don't need to be the unit that the character joined.


And the character himself doesn't have the infiltrate rule, he just give it to D3 infantry units. Join an unit, and then give the infiltrate to it, if you really want the char to infiltrate with them.


The HQs in question are classified as infantry unless I am very mistaken for some reason, and thus you give infiltrate to the HQ in question (if you want it to inifiltrate), then put it in a non-infiltrating Infantry unit, and voulla, you infiltrate unit with attached HQ.

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Perfectly legal.


1. Huron gets Infiltrate.

2. Page 38 says the unit only needs 1 model for them all to infiltrate, so he joins terminators, who now infiltrate.

3. Page 38 also says if the unit deploys in a dedicated transport, it all gets to infiltrate.

4. Page 38 also says the unit may Outflank if kept in Reserves.

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Perfectly legal.


1. Huron gets Infiltrate.

2. Page 38 says the unit only needs 1 model for them all to infiltrate, so he joins terminators, who now infiltrate.

3. Page 38 also says if the unit deploys in a dedicated transport, it all gets to infiltrate.

4. Page 38 also says the unit may Outflank if kept in Reserves.


Thanks for hammering that out. Good to see that my memory is not worse than I thought :)

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Dunno what's the problem, you give infiltrate to D3 units, they don't need to be the unit that the character joined.


And the character himself doesn't have the infiltrate rule, he just give it to D3 infantry units. Join an unit, and then give the infiltrate to it, if you really want the char to infiltrate with them.

an IC without infiltrate cannot join units with infiltrate during deploy


But that's the may point, the unit doesn't have the infiltrate rule. The character just infiltrates the unit, this unit having infiltrate or not.

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Dunno what's the problem, you give infiltrate to D3 units, they don't need to be the unit that the character joined.


And the character himself doesn't have the infiltrate rule, he just give it to D3 infantry units. Join an unit, and then give the infiltrate to it, if you really want the char to infiltrate with them.

an IC without infiltrate cannot join units with infiltrate during deploy


But that's the may point, the unit doesn't have the infiltrate rule. The character just infiltrates the unit, this unit having infiltrate or not.

Yeah but the question is: If I give infiltrate to huron can I join him to a unit and outflank in dedicated transport of that unit?

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Perfectly legal.


1. Huron gets Infiltrate.

2. Page 38 says the unit only needs 1 model for them all to infiltrate, so he joins terminators, who now infiltrate.

3. Page 38 also says if the unit deploys in a dedicated transport, it all gets to infiltrate.

4. Page 38 also says the unit may Outflank if kept in Reserves.


This should be rewritten to:

1. Huron gets infiltrate

2. Page 38 says the unit only needs 1 model for them all to infiltrate, infiltrate gives outflank (same 1 model rule).

3. Outflankers can take dedicated transport with them, set Huron in reserve specifying him joining unit of terminators who are also in reserve.

4. Outflank for profit.


Whats funny about this, is that it ONLY works with outflank and not infiltrate itself. As infiltrators are not kept in reserve and Huron cannot join the unit until deployed OR kept in reserve. Which means that the termies would have to be deployed or reserved before he could join them... The wording is kinda strange too on what constitutes being able to bring a transport. But if you are just outflanking i believe it is fine as you are reserving both units and as long as you specify it to your opponent characters can join units in reserve (p39 independent characters).

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Just to be clear, you can:

1. Outflank with Huron (chosen as infiltrator), terminators and landraider.

2. Infiltrate with Terminators(chosen as infiltrators) with landraider.

3. Infiltrate with Huron(chosen as infiltrator) and terminators (also chosen as infiltrator) and landraider (this means you must roll as least a 2 on the d3).

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Being able to drive on a Land Raider with friends right into your opponents deployment zone.. a'int too shabby in my books. Huron can hang in the back and high five his way up the field.


Maybe some chaos bikes to complement (turbo boost up to join the terminators thrust).


A 20 man BP/CCW Power Armored unit wouldn't be too bad, if only they had fearless~

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Perfectly legal.


1. Huron gets Infiltrate.

2. Page 38 says the unit only needs 1 model for them all to infiltrate, so he joins terminators, who now infiltrate.

3. Page 38 also says if the unit deploys in a dedicated transport, it all gets to infiltrate.

4. Page 38 also says the unit may Outflank if kept in Reserves.


This should be rewritten to:

1. Huron gets infiltrate

2. Page 38 says the unit only needs 1 model for them all to infiltrate, infiltrate gives outflank (same 1 model rule).

3. Outflankers can take dedicated transport with them, set Huron in reserve specifying him joining unit of terminators who are also in reserve.

4. Outflank for profit.


Whats funny about this, is that it ONLY works with outflank and not infiltrate itself. As infiltrators are not kept in reserve and Huron cannot join the unit until deployed OR kept in reserve. Which means that the termies would have to be deployed or reserved before he could join them... The wording is kinda strange too on what constitutes being able to bring a transport. But if you are just outflanking i believe it is fine as you are reserving both units and as long as you specify it to your opponent characters can join units in reserve (p39 independent characters).


While, debatably, correct, wouldn't that also stop ICs from being deployed in transports with the squads they are attached to? A fact that is actually possible according to the rules (pg 121, deploying transport vehicles).


I'd say the meaning of the IC rule on page 39 is the same as previous editions - you can join them up before deploying and thus you can roll a 1, give Huron Infiltrate, attach him to the terminators and then set them all up as infiltrators. 'An IC can begin the game already with a unit' is the main rule, and the two situations that follow are more like examples than restrictions on how that can be done (otherwise you couldn't put a captain with a command squad in a razorback - he'd have to trail behind them).

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