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Black Legion WIP log [22/06 Update!]


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Good day all.

I have recently joined the fabled Bolter & Chainsword due to the Call of Chaos V. After having stalked and prowled these forums for a long time now (thank you all for inspiration, ideas and advice!), I have joined up to further my progression to Daemonhood!

I'll be using this log here to show off my Black Legion warband. After collecting for over 10 years now, I have plenty of (unfinished) models. But alas, the times of my youth were foolish ones, and I believe now I have the modeling and painting skills to truly give the Black Legion the looks they deserve. For this reason, all my old models have gone in to storage and I have restarted a new and improved army. One day the old stuff may find its way back, but for now, I have my current project.

So without further time wasting:

Gods of Chaos hear my call!

I Anturis hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my troops', to Chaos Eternal.

I swear to you that I will paint and present 35 Chaos Cultists, 10 Chaos Marines and 1 Chaos Lord of The Black Legion, before January 18th, 2013.
I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.


Hopefully I'll get some pictures sorted of the unpainted models I'm working on before the Call actually starts. And then, after that has been done, I'll continue to update when the Gods of Chaos allow me to.

Keep watching. smile.gif

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So here's the first update to my log. Only a small one for now, but will hopefully get more pics up once I'm settled with the quality.


=][=Call of Chaos V: 2nd November=][=


First up, 3 members from the 10 Man Squad of my Call of Chaos pledge!



A few minor conversions. I have a wide range of bits to choose from, and tend to like customizing each and every model in some form.

I am particularly proud of the Champion in this squad. Something about that head on a normal Marine is so evil.


Next up is 4 more kit-bashed Marines from the same squad. the last 3 are still being assembled, and then it's on to painting!



This last image is a small group shot of some of my Cultists. I really love the Forge World Renegades and Heretics, and have had these for a while. With the new Codex having some human lackeys for us, I now can use them properly alongside my Chaos Marines!



I do have 35 of these in total, but not all of them are assembled yet. They'll all be pretty much standard, like the rest.

I'm also awaiting parts for my new Chaos Lord (that being his legs and Daemon Sword :lol:), but I assure you, as soon as I get them he will be worked upon for my Call of Chaos pledge. In the meantime, back to working on this first Squad.

Nice! I like the use of possessed models for black legion champions & other conversions. Fits their fluff well, I may go back to similarly revise my own champions one day. Also, the FW cultists look very nice. I look forward to seeing how this progresses.


For the Warmaster!


We are Returned!

  • 4 weeks later...

=][=Call of Chaos V: 30th November=][=


So it has been a month, and I have yet to post a 2nd update. Best be quick about it, as it's the last day of November!


Work has been slow, but should hopefully pick up now as I've gotten over a particular game involving other power-armoured space warriors (looking at you Halo 4.)


First a quick undercoat shot of the 5 basic marines for the Squad


(Apologies for the quality of photos. I haven't actually got a proper camera!)


Next is the base for the metal areas and highlighting done. I'll have to figure out how to take better photos at some point (There's not much light currently, so I'll have to sort that out.)



Closer shots




And finally the parts for my Chaos Lord turned up, and hastily I broke out the plasticard, green stuff and modelling knives to see what I could throw together!

So here he is, Lord Anturis!



I'll have to get more detail shots of him when I can produce better lighting. I'm thinking perhaps another room may do the trick.


As for the model itself, it's mostly the Chaos Terminator Lord model, with Plasticard to add height. I used shoulder pads and a Demon Sword from various independent bits makers to truly specialize him, and yes, I did green stuff longer hair on to a Blood Angels head to make him look more unique! He currently stands a good 2 head-heights over my normal Marines, which themselves have all been heightened sneakily to make them bigger then my Cultists, making the Lord very imposing. I was influenced by the Lord on the "Space Marine" game, who seemed to be massive and well on his way to Daemonhood.


His loadout will be a Murder Sword and Combi-Melta. I still have some work to do on the gun, as it's physically mutated from his armour (or perhaps in to it.) When I get the picture quality sorted, I'll be sure to get some detail shots.


I do need to ask some advise, however. I want to give my Lord the Mark of Tzeentch, as he's supposed to be quite the tactician and strategist, it fits nicely in with his background, and gives him a very nice Invulnerable Save. The question is, how would I represent this on the model? I had thought about attaching a book to his waist, but other then that, I have no clue. Thoughts and ideas are welcome!

  • 5 months later...

So I havn't posted in a long time, but I have returned (Hehe, Black Legion indeed wink.png ) and intend to keep this up to date. So I have some progress to show off!

@malisteen: I think they come from puppetswar, but can't really recall. They do a LOT of variant shoulder pads on there that fit Marines quite nicely.

Firstly, my Chaos Lord. Shamelessly dubbed "Lord Anturis", I've been debating some background for him. I think he needs some awesome title but can't really think of anything, so I'm opening it up to any ideas from anyone who wishes to share!


I redid the Combi-melta a bit since he was last shown, but the concept is basically the same. At the moment he's held together via blu-tac for painting purposes. I'm also debating if I should give him some trophy racks over his shoulders from the Chaos Lord kit. Thoughts?

(Oh, and another more action-like shot of "Yes, I'm going to kill you next!)


Next is my Dark Apostle, yet un-named. He'll be in charge of all of the Cultists/Traitor Guard that serve under Lord Anturis. I took the standard Dark Apostle model and modified it a bit to be more practical, but just as preachy! All of them scrolls and books looked to "Word Bearer" for my Warband.


Here's a few shots of the squad I was working on. The first five models are nearly done, and just missing their backpacks and basing. This will be a duel Meltagun Squad, handy for cracking any enemy armour! Again, I'm stuck for ideas or a theme for naming my Squads and Characters, so any help/inspiration would be most welcome.


And the progress of the last five of their squad. Not much to say about these really!


As you can probably guess, I'm more of a fluff-nut then an actual gamer when it comes to 40k, so this army, whilst being legal to play in games, will be preferably based on the background for my Warband. Currently that needs fleshing out, but I am planning on expending in to an Allied Nurgle detachment at some point (Plague Marines and waves of Zombies sounds like to much fun to pass up!) This also explains why my Cultists/Traitor Guardsmen will mostly be wearing the awesome Forge World gas masks. That's all I have planned for the background for the moment, but if I find the inspiration and time, I'll be sure to post up more!

Cheers for reading, and apologies for the photo quality. smile.png

  • 2 weeks later...

For the Warmaster!


Time to finally post some
completed models! Today I present my two HQ units, and I have a brief
fluff description of both of them for any that are interested!


So here's the big Boss of the Warband first, Lord Anturis the Cruel.




Having hailed from the original Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus, Anturis has waged war against the Imperium since the dakr days of the Horus Heresy. After the Legions fled to the Eye of Terror, Anturis rose up the ranks, being forever a loyal follower of his new leader, Abaddon. Like the Despoiler, Anturis has never forgotten about the war against the Imperium and the false Emperor of Mankind, and is often found in the thick of invasions and attacks against Imperial planets. The reasons of why he is referred to as "The Cruel" are many and varied, but all of it comes down to his sick and twisted enjoyment of mentally torturing captives he finds, often bringing them back to his ship so that this "hobby" can be indulged in whenever he chooses.


And here's the Dark Apostle of the Warband, Xavaas, Preacher of Chaos.




Always a devout follower of the Chaos Gods, Xavaas was "sent" to aid Anturis
in his campaigns against the Imperium. Known to speak passionately about his Gods and the ways of Chaos, Xavaas has managed to convert several Imperial Guard Platoons to his cause. Seeing this as nothing but a good thing (and perhaps more cannon fodder), Anturis has given his lackey charge of the Traitor Guardsmen. Xavaas now leads his devout followers, all for the glory of the Dark Gods.



I'll be finishing off my second Squad of Chaos Marines and possibly
start working on a small Khorne Detachment for the force.


Thanks for reading! C&C always welcome!

A small update just to show some of the first models I worked on in this army.


Here's the first Squad I painted for my Black Legion. I used them as a test for the colour scheme.



I've altered the colours I use a bit. The highlighting on the newer models I've shown uses blues instead of greys. Likewise, the top-knots and such will be blue from now on instead of red. I like the dark abyss feel the blue highlights give on black, perfect for Black Legion in my opinion!


Next up my two Rhino Transports.



After seeing some amazingly converted Rhinos from someone on this forum (I can't remember who), I decided to have a go at Chaosifying my own. I hadn't really used plasticard before, so this was all new territory for me. I set about putting some Chaosy trim on them. The Rhino on the left was my first attempt, and a lot of the work I did on it is quite rough. I still think it turned out quite nicely though. The Rhino on the right was my second attempt and turned out much nicer. I also converted it to look more like the Mk I Rhino, because no doubt a Warband would have a lot of varying types of Armour and tanks from all periods of time!


You can also see the difference in the highlights here. The left one is done with grey, whilst the one on the right is done with blue.

They're still WIP, but hopefully I'll have them done soon.

Really is fairly simple to be honest. I don;t like to over-complicate things. :P


Start with a base of Chaos Black (or whatever it's now called!)


Ironbreaker for the first layer (mainly to make the gold sit on it better)


Then I use Shining Gold, because I still actually have the old paint. I don't know what the new name for it is, sorry.

(At this stage I sometimes leave a little silver showing, just to add a little roguhness/battle damage.)


A healthy wash or two of Nuln Oil is to follow. I generally do one coat and once it's dry, go over any areas I think need it again.


Touch up any highlights once again with Shining Gold. I keep this to a minimum as overdoing it makes it too shiny and not Chaosy enough for me.




Hope this helps!

  • 4 weeks later...

For the Warmaster!


So progress has been slow this month, which is probably not a good thing considering I'm in the ETL challenge. It's something about Space Marine backpacks that I absolutely hate. Ever since I started the hobby over 10 years ago, I've had an issue with painting them. Get the whole squad done exact their packs, and then it takes me an age to finally get them 100% done.


But luckilly I pressed on and finished this squad! Huzzah!



I need to come up with a little fluff about them, and ofcourse a name. I really struggle with naming my Squads and Champions, so any advice/ideas is appreciated.


Here's some closer shots:





There purpose on the battlefield will be tank hunting and fire support. Cruising round in a Rhino with 2 Meltaguns is always effective, and they can hold objectives too!


Next I have some Daemons to show in the form of Bloodletters. I've had these models for ages and only just got round to painting them. These two are test models for the rest of the Squad, so C&C will be great!






Lastly is my test scheme for my Cultists/Traitor Guard force. What does everyone think?




C&C always welcome. Cheers for reading. :)


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