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List vs. Modeling Dilemma

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I find myself with a quandary. While planning out my future Word Bearers Army, I ran into an issue between the way I want to write my list and the way I want to build the models. I'm planning on doing a 99% plastic army, with only the Dark Apostle model as the only finecast in the army, and I absolutely hate the fact we did not receive new Plastic Havocs like I had hoped. So i have resigned myself to build my own havocs. I built a very adequate Autocannon out of kitbashed Chaos parts (the conversion calls for the barrels of a Reaper and the body of a Heavy Bolter as it's basis), and of course we have the normal Heavy Bolters from the CSM kit.


My problem is I am unsure at this point in time that if I run a 2X2 combination, that the list would be entirely competitive ( I'm just looking for competitive, not a powerhouse), should I build it like that. I can make up for some of the lack of Lascannon anti armor with placing Combi meltas on the Rhinos I plan to build, but I can't make up for Flakk Missiles Anti flyer defense (I'm trying to avoid using the Aegis line also, as everyone and their brother uses it.). So I am trying to come up with a really good conversion of a Missile launcher that I can use.


My issue is the obvious answer is using the SM Dev weapons, but they don't look Chaos-y enough for my taste, and to be brutally honest, my green stuff skills suck something awful, beyond filling gaps, to make them look chaos-y enough for my liking. Does anyone have any ideas that would satisfy my ML needs, or is the 2 AC/2 HB Havoc combo adequate enough for the needs of the game and I should just go ahead and build them?

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If you want chaos looking heavy weapon, you only need to add skulls, spikes, marks, chainswords-bayonette.


Thats really not a difficult thing to do.


And if you really want, you can make it so that you just have to add the barrel of the Reaper AC on the Heavybolter and you can change your weapon loadout, you can do it by magnetize it or simplye counter-pierce it.

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If you want chaos looking heavy weapon, you only need to add skulls, spikes, marks, chainswords-bayonette.


Not to be snarky, but I kind of already knew that.




And if you really want, you can make it so that you just have to add the barrel of the Reaper AC on the Heavybolter


I've already built two, as a goof. My question is, is the 2x2 loadout I cited worth using? Do I really NEED to use ML's?

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If you want Lascannons, you could buy the bits from the Chaos Land Raider sponsons (which IIRC are plastic) and attach them to HB 'bodies' in much the same way you're making Autocannons.


No idea about Missile Launchers though, sorry. You can, however, use Heldrakes instead of Flakk. They're not the best against Flyers but neither are Flakk missiles and Word Bearers do make heavy use of Daemon Engines...

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If you want chaos looking heavy weapon, you only need to add skulls, spikes, marks, chainswords-bayonette.


As much as I'm not a fan of the concept of Chaos being "just add spikes," this is actually probably the easiest way to do it. I'm likewise going to convert a Loyalist missile launcher for a Havoc squad; step one for me is sticking one of the gargoyle-style muzzle brakes from the Chaos Vehicle Sprue on the end of the tube. And honestly, though the arms lack the arrows/skulls/spikes, you'd be surprised how unnoticable it is when the model gets painted. A buddy of mine mixed and matched Loyalist bits into his CSM squads and you really don't notice it unless you're looking hard.

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If you want chaos looking heavy weapon, you only need to add skulls, spikes, marks, chainswords-bayonette.


As much as I'm not a fan of the concept of Chaos being "just add spikes," this is actually probably the easiest way to do it. I'm likewise going to convert a Loyalist missile launcher for a Havoc squad; step one for me is sticking one of the gargoyle-style muzzle brakes from the Chaos Vehicle Sprue on the end of the tube. And honestly, though the arms lack the arrows/skulls/spikes, you'd be surprised how unnoticable it is when the model gets painted. A buddy of mine mixed and matched Loyalist bits into his CSM squads and you really don't notice it unless you're looking hard.


+1 on this I added the Gargoyle Muzzle in place of the barrel for the Rhino Hunter-killer missile and it looks good. Heres photos of the havok squad from a tournament last week (Back of the photo)

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If you want Lascannons, you could buy the bits from the Chaos Land Raider sponsons (which IIRC are plastic) and attach them to HB 'bodies' in much the same way you're making Autocannons.


No idea about Missile Launchers though, sorry. You can, however, use Heldrakes instead of Flakk. They're not the best against Flyers but neither are Flakk missiles and Word Bearers do make heavy use of Daemon Engines...



Hmm, there's an idea I might be able to sink my teeth into. I imagine that IG lascannon barrels would work also.

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You're basically asking two question here, aren't you? :)

First, I wouldn't be sure if two Autocannons and two Heavy Bolters would do the job all the time really. Actually I'd be sure they wouldn't. It's a great pick for fighting heavy infantry and light armour, and I'm consistently surprised how good this combination is at glancing armour 11 or even 12. But, as it wouldn't be your only armour-piercing choice across the board, you should be alright.

Second, I'm regularly browsing FW's loyalist bits for my Chaos troops. There are so many bits that go well with Chaos too. What comes to my mind in the context of your question are, for example, the Space Marine heavy weapon packs 99550101206 and 9955010118. They have Lascannons and missile launchers (and more) for you. Technically it's not plastic, but it's also not Finecast. You might want to check it out.


Cheers, JT

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Honestly, point for point, autocannon havocs aren't all that much worse than flak havoks against fliers anyway, and are far better against ground targets.


I wouldn't go with 2xAC, 2xHB. However, if you can kit bash or scratch build a couple extra autocannon barrels, then 4xAC will do you pretty well. I especially wouldn't go for the Missile launchers. Use the points you save by taking cheaper guns to help pay for an ADL w/ quad gun to protect your havocs and ramp up your flier defense, while sticking to your 'plastics only' rule.

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You're basically asking two question here, aren't you? ;)

First, I wouldn't be sure if two Autocannons and two Heavy Bolters would do the job all the time really. Actually I'd be sure they wouldn't. It's a great pick for fighting heavy infantry and light armour, and I'm consistently surprised how good this combination is at glancing armour 11 or even 12. But, as it wouldn't be your only armour-piercing choice across the board, you should be alright.

Second, I'm regularly browsing FW's loyalist bits for my Chaos troops. There are so many bits that go well with Chaos too. What comes to my mind in the context of your question are, for example, the Space Marine heavy weapon packs 99550101206 and 9955010118. They have Lascannons and missile launchers (and more) for you. Technically it's not plastic, but it's also not Finecast. You might want to check it out.


Cheers, JT



You're right, it wouldn't be the only Anti Armor option in the list, As I'm also looking at adding in a LR, and possibly a dinobot or two.


Honestly, I'm not really a fan of the old RT missile launcher look.

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I took the easy route with my Missile Launchers. I just used the regular space marine ML and added the gargoyle heads from the Chaos vehicle kit. Its not the most imaginative conversion but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.





I don't think I'll be using ML too often with the new codex. I plan on building a couple of AC units to provide anti-flier/transport/skimmer firepower. Five havocs with four AC are such great value, I find it hard not to include at least one unit in any list.

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