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Captain Tycho and his Strike Force


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The title pretty much saids it all. Cuz we all know Chuck's Grandfather is Tycho, and he's badass, he's an excellent meat-grinding HQ choice.


I would like to receive some advice from my more seasoned brothers; how would you field Tycho(Normal/DC)? In what type of army (mech heavy? balanced list? foot-slogging heavy?)? Who does Tycho(normal in this case) roll with (RAS on foot? honor guard? venguard on foot? etc.)


As DC Tycho cannot join squads (hence less protection; sure he's 2+ 4++ FNP but who would say no to moar protection), do you necessarily load him in a Raven? Or is walking around alone not really a big problem for him? I would imagine first get RAS to tie up squads in combat and support charge Tycho in for clean up, but does that mean Tycho (DC or normal) being the first that charge a bad idea?

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He's good in Mech, at least that's where I tried him and it felt like a good idea.


Combined with a good tactical squad or two you might do some nice shooty things.

Thing is the vanilla / SW codex is better in this aspect and even then isn't the best of shooty armies overall...


He's not the meat grinder of BA though, Mephiston is still king even though his Force Sword is just ap 3.



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Tycho leads portions of his company whenever I use him, generally a tactical squad or two in rhinos plus a couple of assault squads. Tycho himself generally runs alongside a priest and sternguard in a pod. if I've the points a few vanguard too. generally very little armour, sometimes I run baals.
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I have started playing a fluff version of 3rd Company Blood Angels. It is a Strike Force that utilizes Death Company (Grey Hunters) as the main force and then supported by heavy weapon tactical squads and Devastator Teams. This does not make the best use of his powers but it allows me to make a strike force that puts pressure on my enemy from turn 1. I also have a painted banner that took me to long to paint to not field.
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I have a, as of yet unpainted, Tycho model I've been wanting to give a go. Problem is, how to use him. He is solid in close combat, and mean towards vehicles in both close combat and shooting. His special ammo gives him nice shooting against infantry, but it is more of a nice bonus.


I would love to be bale to give him a jump pack and run him with my assault marines, but sadly he can't take one. I think he would make a nice addition to a Tactical squad, but if you want a transport with that you have to sacrifice the special/heavy weapons.


Stern-guard seems like the most obvious choice, but I'm hesitant. Either you use suicide stern-guard in a pod dropping close to enemy lines; which means using Tycho as part of that suicide squad. Question is: will he make his points back or is this just a waste? Or you can use a non-suicide stern-guard that hangs back and shoot at things, in which case you just paid a lot of points for just another bolter with special ammo. So in this regard, how effective is Tycho in a unit of stern-guard that suicide drops? How do you play him after the first turns shooting? Assault? And does he makes his points back?


I've been considering running Tycho with a small body guard in a cheep transport close by my assault squads. The idea is to get out of the transport as the assault squads prepare to charge, and arrive the next turn to mop up. Alternatively, jump out, soften up an infantry squad with some shooting, and then assault or take and assault in the following turn. Here are some ideas I've been considering.


Tycho, honour guard, razorback.

Expensive, but the noviate will save me points on a priest. I consider having bolters in the honour guard to get some proper shooting done on the turn they bail out of the transport. I've even considered storm bolters (never thought I'd say THAT); the main benefit is that it will give the same amount of shots as rapid firing bolters but I can charge afterwards. A champion upgrade is likely wise to handle challenges if necessary. This would be tycho + about 200 points, but will likely save 50 points on a priest.


Tycho, 5 man RAS and razorback.

Same as above, but less firepower and fewer shooting and CC attacks, but considerably cheaper and scoring. Can take one special weapon and has a sarge with a CC weapon. 145 points.


Tycho, small tactical squad and transport.

More dakka but less CC. Still scoring. Relies on Tycho to the heavy lifting in close combat, although the sarge have a power sword. About 160p for 5 men squad and a razor.


Tycho, death company w/ bolters, transport

Probably a solid choice; with relentless they can dish out some proper shooting before charging. Their resilience will help just as for the honour guard. 170 points for 5 men w/ razor and a power weapon.


Tycho, stern-guard, razorback

Same idea as the above, except that the first round of shooting have special ammo. With a lightning claw for the sarge, this will be 170 points.

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Atrix I know what you mean. And even rolling with the Awesome Death Company seems, well, not the absolute best idea, since a death company is quite the suicidal squad which ever way you play it (besides, if it doesn't die it yields 1 victory point to the enemy i think). Although true, they match each other well; both strong dakka and even better CC.


I've been considering packless vanguard vs. Honor Guard. Both are ok, but they both get expensive very quickly, which is a huge down for me. Keep them cheap and they are too similar to the cheaper packless RAS; they cost 15 points more cuz of the ability to pick up special weapons (and priest), and not using that aspect IS a waste. But then again, they get expensive. AND you're wasting HI of the vanguards.


Maybe roll Tycho with tactical terminators? Also expensive but if you gear up near equivilent of vanguards i'm sure they're more effective.

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I don't think that there is anything about a victory point for the death company if it doesn't die?


It did not occur to me to put Tycho with tactical terminators. He seems to fit rather nicely there, having both some shooting and some CC. Question is then what to do about transportation: put them in a raider or stormraven? I could also see Tycho with a ten men Tactical terminator squad footslogging it. If you want to play that type of list (i.e. with a large squad of tac. terms as your centrepiece) then tycho may not be a bad choice at all. He has the same save, and a slightly better invul. He has roughly equivalent shooting; he has the same AP in close combat, but strikes at initiative.


I think I might try out some of the options I previously mentioned when I get a chance. The death company looks more and more interesting with 5 rapid firing bolters when you exit a vehicle, and 5 rapid firing bolters followed by 4 cc attacks each on the charge. One proble is that tycho would be the only character in the unit. I was also considering putting combiflamers on a squad of sternguard. This would help if the get charged by wall of death, and could could put a huge amount hits on a unit they assault. Thing is, you pay for that special ammo that they likely will only fire once.

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I have been considering Tycho with a priest with power sword and an eight man Sternguard squad with a fist sarge. Add two heavy flamers and assorted combies and you have a nice midfield assault unit that has characters for challenges and will be nice in assault( those vets get two attacks base) stick em in a rhino or raider and you're off! If you add the redeemer you can squeeze in another two Sternies or a chappy and second HQ but that is probably crazy talk <_<
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