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Black is the Badge of Hell: A Black Legion Blog

Noctus Cornix

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Thirteen times shall the Traitor King go forth.

In the End of Times the iron fortress shall be cast down,

Its walls breached and its Gate force open.

Those that dwell beyond shall spill through it.


The air shall burn and the ground shall melt,

The Daemon shall lie down with the Machine,

Brother shall slay Brother with fire and sword,

And the sky-wound shall pour its malice forth.


The Eye shall stare unblinking at its prize,

And the Traitor King shall cross the bridge of stars.

He shall return to finish the Warmonger's red work,

Upon holy soil shall the fate of Man be decided.


- The Liber Malefact



Good Evening Brothers and Sisters. It's that time again where Noctus says he is going to start an army and he says he will be serious about this one and see it through to the end.... How many times have we gone over this before? 6? 7 times? Well no longer shall I go back on my word and leave my army in a pile of unpainted bitz. I have heard the Warmaster's call and I march beneath the banners of black. I will see the Imperium burn with my own eyes.


So, once again without drooling like a fan-boy, I love this new codex. There's so many things in it that I just find amazing and inspiring. One thing in particular that this codex has done, and was never achievable before was get me to like the Black Legion. Original, I had always loathed the Black Legion with a passion. They had always been this boring and bland army of failures and idiots who can't get anything right. There was nothing unique about them, nothing that peaked my interest. With the Horus Heresy stories, I had grown a fondness for the Sons of Horus and the Warmaster Horus, beloved by all but, I still couldn't get into the Black Legion. Then the new codex came along and it all changed. There's something about this new codex that in some subtle way changed the Legion 360 for me. The word BLACK CRUSADER somehow resonates with me. I'm not sure why but the idea of that word really sits on my soul. In my head I no longer see failures. I see the very epitome of a knight of chaos, warriors and murderers who butcher their foe as much for the dark gods as they do for their own seething hatred. The Black Crusades do not feel like mere failure any longer but now it really does feel like something grander. It makes sense now that Thousands of warriors pledge their swords to the Warmaster Despoiler. And now I will forge my warband of the Black Legion, whom I will bestow upon the title...


The Covenant of The Abyss



To help kick start my new army, I decided to pledge myself to the Call of Chaos and create my new army from the ground up. I put on a hefty load for myself with 5 entries but I have faith in myself to get it done. My Oath was set in stone on the Call of Chaos thread but, I'd like to post it on here aswell.


Gods of Chaos! Lords of the Warp! Fathers of entropy, bloodshed, desire and change, hear my call!


I Noctus Cornix hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my warriors, to Chaos Eternal.


I swear to you that I will paint and present Warmaster Abaddon: Traitor King of the Black Legion, Two Squads of Chaos Space Marines, One Squad of Terminators, and One Chaos Dreadnought(Hellbrute) who march beneath the banner of the Traitor King Abaddon and for the Glory of the Black Legion, before January 18th, 2013.


I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.


Noctus Cornix



So I make sure you guys don't fall asleep on me, I'll just shut up and post some pictures. :P


Why don't we start off with, of course, the Traitor King Himself. This is my interpretation of Warmaster Abaddon, the Arch-fiend. I wanted a very basic but bad-ass feel for him. I considered giving him the Chaos Terminator Lord cloak but, I thought it would seem just a tad bit gaudy. Didn't really fit his style, in my opinion. His tabard needs a little work and there's still some filing to do but otherwise, he's done.






And what would the Warmaster be without the fabled Talon of Horus? Now one thing that struck me as cool is that this weapon provides all Blood Angels with Hatred (Abaddon) and I think that's the coolest thing in the world. But, I thought simply having the weapon would not be enough... I'll give those filthy Blood Angels something to really hate... The design is inspired by the awesome piece of artwork in the codex.







And last but not least, the champion of my Justerian retinue for Lord Abaddon. I went for a very classic sword and shield loadout to fit with the Black Crusader theme I want for my army. In game terms, these fellas will be counts as Chaos Terminators with Mark of Tzeentch with Twin Lightning Claws.







Comments and criticism is always welcome. As always, enjoy. :D

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Looks very promising! I really like the BA corpse/soon to be trophy.


I've finally found a use for all those Blood Angel symbols and iconography from the Death Company/ Sanguinary Guard boxes I bought. They can go on the Space Marines corpses for my Black Legion. :)


I think I'm going to make it a theme of my Black Legion that all the 'fresh' trophies and corpses will belong to Blood Angels. Need to make a story for this now....

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TJWyrm- Funny enough, that's actually what someone else had suggested in another thread. I will have to decline it though because I would prefer to have it be something a bit more recent but I will draw on the events of Mackan for inspiration. I've decided that the dead Space Marine in Abaddon's grasp will be a Sanguinary Priest who dared defy the Warmaster his prize and attempted to recover his brother's gene-seed.


Alright,so a quick update.


So now I give you my Chaos Dreadnought (I will not say Hellbrute), Champion Xaphan.... Well.... What's left of him atleast. Now he is just a raving lunatic forced inside the sarcophagus of a Dreadnought and butchers all life before him to bury his own agony. It's safe to assume he's not a nice fellow. :P








One of these helmets is not like the others...




Comments and Criticism always welcomed. Enjoy.

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I just found my favorite box that GW has ever released..... My Gods.... The conversion possibilities....





We all know this should have been mounted on a Mammoth though :)


I disagree and im happy that it wasn't. Those two troll... Ogre... Things, will be perfect chaos spawns and for 60 bucks that's a steal considering the ridiculous price of the chaos spawn box ($40) so im only really paying 20 for all those delicious bitz for the shrine.

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So another quick update while I wait impatiently for November 2 to roll on by, I have for you my two champions for the Chaos Marine Squads of my Oath.



Many of you will be familiar with Champion Ophirus as I posted him not too long ago here on the Chaos Ascendent thread asking what he should be painted as. It was actually because of those like Malisteen that I actually gave Black Legion a try.







And next we have Champion Tereus, the Bringer of Silence. Can anyone guess who he worships? :tu: The first person to guess his allegiance correctly can name one of the weapon specialists of his squad. P.S. his name is a big hint.







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What just happened? :tu: :) :huh:

I assumed there was only one guy who was going to be named and didn't realize the possible repurcussions of causing the entire thing to not work. In my defence I did it before I knew what the answer was, but alas, it seems that a different mini-competition will have to come. I shall excuse myself from it, of course, and Noctus, that was my bad, I'm sorry.

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