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Black is the Badge of Hell: A Black Legion Blog

Noctus Cornix

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What just happened? ;) :lol: :huh:

I assumed there was only one guy who was going to be named and didn't realize the possible repurcussions of causing the entire thing to not work. In my defence I did it before I knew what the answer was, but alas, it seems that a different mini-competition will have to come. I shall excuse myself from it, of course, and Noctus, that was my bad, I'm sorry.

Same thing happened on my end.

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It was actually because of those like Malisteen that I actually gave Black Legion a try.


You, sir, just made my day. To have helped in bringing another Warlord under the Despoiler's fold, to have played even a tiny role in helping to inspire such awesome conversions, is just awesome. I dream of a day when all chaos players follow your example and take the black!


Even if it does mean my chances of having the best looking Black Legion models in the currently running Call of Chaos thread have plummeted with your arrival. ;)

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