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Preachers Of Pestilence (Nurgle Marines)


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Welcome all to my thread for Papa Nurgle. I've joined the Call of Chaos in order to get my DV Chaos side done. As you can probably guess I'm going for Nurgle themed look for my marines as he is by far my favourite chaos god (followed by Khorne, Tzeentch and then then Slaneesh). As of this moment I don't actually have the codex but if I did I think I'd run an army based on cultists backed up by chosen and raptors rather than a core of marines.


Anyway that's not what you came here for, this hopefully is. Basically I'm going for a rotted feel to them with pipes meant to look like intestines and such. The basic scheme is going to be green with a dark metal/bromnze trim with bone cased boltguns and other small details.


So here's some pictures of my test model (which can't be counted for the call due to it being painted before the 2nd Nov but oh well I wanted a test mini anyways). At this stage hes just base coated and washed with green/brown for the armour and brown for the rest. At the moment I like the look (with exception to the skin cloth that has turned out a bit to dark but hey I can correct that later) and hopefully you will too. (Also ignore my trusty minature stand for painting lol).








There you go and I hope you all enjoy.


Praise to Nurgle.





Cicus Nurgling: Thanks and thats funny becasue when I first saw all the split pipes on the mine I immediatly thought of Nurgley goodness.


whiskeytango: Cheers

Nighthunter: Thanks I hope I don't diissapoint when the the call starts properly. Again my first thoguht was Nurgle, wierd.








Some more progress on my Nurgle Chosen.










(Again I suck at taking pictures but bear with me). Basically this is the test model finsihed (bar the basing and varnishes). I'm pretty pleased with the outcome to be honest. and had lots of fun painting him so am looking forward to starting the call properly.


Happy Painting




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