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is there a limit to the amount of chaplains...

Brother Tristan

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a black templar army can have?? I was told it was 2 but ive scoured the codex and can't find anything to back it up, if it is true can you point me in the direction of where it says that please.


(I'm also talking about the doubled FoC chart at 2000 pts)

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yea they are HQs so it is 2 then 4, I was told it was only ever 2 chaplains in an army, but I'm guessing they were wrong, I couldn't see anything in the codex that said that, but he was a more experienced player than me by a lot and hes a BT player too. Cheers for the help guys
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You can have 4 per detachment.


2 Chaplains, with command squads each, with a single chaplain attached to each command squad.



I'm fairly certain you can't attach a chaplain to a chaplain command squad. I don't have my dex on me though.

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3. Chaplains may be attached to another character's Command Squad. Only one Chaplain may be attached to a single Command squad. The attached character, the squad, and the character leading it are a single HQ choice..."


Leading character does not equal Attached character.

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