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Biker Lord with Bikes or Spawn?

Commander Krag

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I want my biker lord to be in either my bike squad or my spawn unit. What do you think?


Lord- Power Axe, Black Mace, Blight Grenades, Melta Bombs, Gift of Mutation, Bike, Sigil of Corruption, Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the Long War


Bikes- 6 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Lightning Claw, Melta Bombs, Gift of Mutation, Mark of Nurgle, Icon of Vengeance, Veterans of the Long War


Spawn-5 Chaos Spawn of Nurgle

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Yeah, while the spawn might offer you some extra wounds to soak up, the bikes are tougher, can turbo boost, and have shooty, and are T6 so most things are going to wound on 5+ or 6+(you did give them Mark of Nurgle, right?) . Just more options... that said, I'll be testing both. The more wounds rotating around might be more worth it, even with the slightly more limited mobility. Whichever you do, add Blight Grenades to your Lord in case you're charged.
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IMO its logical that Biker lords have Biker retinue (and can therefore make use of all the rules concerning being on a bike). I would rather run Khornate juggerought lords with spawns though, but then again, the Jugger riding lord would have been unable to turbo boost etc. anyway.

On a biker lord, there seems to be very little contention between bikers and spawns though. Having a retinue of bikers seems to be simply much better.

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The Biker Lord prevent the spawns from running and fleeting.

The Spawns prevent the Biker Lord from turboboosting.


Put Jugger-lords with Spawns.

Put Biker-Lords with Bikes.

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If you put a bike lord with spawn, Unless you do not move him, your opponent can focus fire the unit and choose to hit only those with cover saves.


you still get your LO,S! Roll, but it seems silly to let your opponent have the chance to kill your guy.

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