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The Contamination Corner - A blog for the dark gods!


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Welcome to my blog! Here you will find all things chaos as I see fit. Have been part of the hobby since the end of 3rd edition, and have owned (and mostly disowned) 9 armies throughout this time, my biggest being a 3000+ Nurgle army (which is due to get revamped). I'm into this hobby for the moddeling aspect, and you will find alot of conversions/ scratchbuilds/ sculpts in my works.


You can use this post to jump to posts with pictures in it, simply click on the numbers beside the name and you'll be linked to that post.

Currently: Fabious Bile inspired army.


The To-Do List

Clicking on the links (numbers beside wip) will bring you to the post

Red - Not started Orange - Building in progress Blue - Painting in progress Green - Completed


Chaos Space Marines

Fabious Bile- WIP 1 / Completed

'Enhanced' Csm- WIP 1, 2 / Completed

Csm- WIP 1 /Completed

Chaos Spawn- WIP 1, 2 / Completed

Hellbrute- WIP 1 / Completed

So I havn't done too much hobbywise for awhile, and started working on some Csm I got for a bargain. I always wanted to do a Bile army and with 6th edition I'm going to bring this into realization. I saw the Call of Chaos and decided this would be a great way to get it started. I've been building up these models for the last while, and gotta say I love working on them. Chaos leaves so many doors open to the modeller. Anyways, this is my initial pledge:

=][=Call of Chaos V=][=

-Fabious Bile

-10 man squad of 'enhanced' Csm

-8 man squad of Csm

-3 Chaos Spawn


I'll bring you up to date with each units plans as I go along, and since time is short right now, I'll leave you with the first of biles experiments, the Enhanced space marines.

The Idea behind these guys are captured loyalists used as test subjects and whatnot. Still have to build 3 guys for the squad and add battledamage throughout (as I'm sure a loyalist wouldn't go without a fight).

The Squad


Aspiring Champion



A few singles




Just simple conversions, but I think they get the job done. I forgot to mention I'm building this army off of lots of old models I've collected, so alot of customability allowed. I'll post up some more of the army in the next few days, feel free to let me know what you think! Its appreciated :)

Thanks, this squads going to be first up to be painted. going to be all colored different loyalist chapters, with skin/blood n grime/ and the bases to tie them together. Can;t wait to start them. Going to build up another 3 quite possibly tonight, but untill I get those done, here's some more Wip shots.

Sometimes the experiments don't go so swell, or superbly depending on how you look at it. >:) I present the first of 3 chaos spawn:




And onto the madman himself, Fabious Bile. He's converted from Terminator legs, old terminator arm, space marine body, an old wfb head, the bile kit (who woulda guessed?) and greenstuff. Still working on him, the socket in his head and some details on the front, but really happy with how he's turning out.



He's quite a bit taller than your average marine, and I bet the bile model.


Still got the hellbrute to catch you guys up on. He's another one of my favourites, almost fully scratchbuilt. Getting late though so it'll have to wait for another day.

Thanks for looking!

Thanks everyone, cant wait to get started on painting these guys. Think the paint will tie everything together nicely. Started working on the missing enhanced marines, but for now I'll get you pics of my scratchbuilt helllbrute.

This was my first time using plasticard and the model is still very wip. Gotta do trimmings, some more greenstuff detail and add some powerpack sort in the gap on his back. So I present to you, Fabious' personal frankenstien. the hellbrute in progress:





And here's some earlier wip shots:




Thanks again for looking and the comments. Can't wait for the call to start so I can paint, but still got some building to do. Going to finish the 3 csm and start a spawn methinks.

  • 4 weeks later...

Been awhile, thought I'd get you guys up to date with the army. Started a second spawn, finished last three for the squad of experiments, and got the normal CSM squad done. Also started some detailing on the hellbrute. Finally going to start painting the marines, still lots to do on the army. I'll let the pictures do the talking:

New experimented marines:

Meltagunner turned to flamer


Battle damage added:


Chaos Space marines

-Greenstuffed small detailed; stretched flesh on armor



New Spawn started:


Army Progress:


And some primer!



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