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Question about Tzeetch DP and rerolls


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Hi all.


I got a quick question. If I have a Tzeetch DP, it says I can re-roll all saving throw results of a 1, but does this include the re-roll itself? I.e. If I roll a 1 on my 3+, and roll a 1 again, can I just keep re-rolling it, or does it only work the first time?



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Hi all.


I got a quick question. If I have a Tzeetch DP, it says I can re-roll all saving throw results of a 1, but does this include the re-roll itself? I.e. If I roll a 1 on my 3+, and roll a 1 again, can I just keep re-rolling it, or does it only work the first time?




Nope, cannot reroll a reroll.

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And just to provide an actual referrence, the rule which forbids this is on the bottom-left of page 5 in the BBB (Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook)... Under the Re-Roll header, just read the bolded part which basically says you cannot re-roll any re-rolled dice.


+ Edit : Typo...

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Note: This also means that if you take Gift of Chaos and roll a Spawning or Apotheosis, if you reroll it and get Spawning or Apotheosis, then the character really will start the game pre-promoted to monster.
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Note: This also means that if you take Gift of Chaos and roll a Spawning or Apotheosis, if you reroll it and get Spawning or Apotheosis, then the character really will start the game pre-promoted to monster.


Not possible because of the way BoM is worded ("do not apply ANY Spawnhood or Apotheosis results but roll on the table again").

It is in essence a re-roll but since it is not called a re-roll you keep doing it until it is not Spawning or Apotheosis.

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Note: This also means that if you take Gift of Chaos and roll a Spawning or Apotheosis, if you reroll it and get Spawning or Apotheosis, then the character really will start the game pre-promoted to monster.

Not true. You simply ignore the result and roll again. Its more like re-rolling a dice that falls off the table. You aren't re-rolling a result, you're re-rolling a non-result.


Edit: beaten to it by Lepaca.

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As the two above have already states furyou. BoM is the exception to the rule as it states in the rule itself that any results of Da or Spawn are ignored and rolled again. handy as im sure i got spawndom about 3 times on my lord till i rolled bloated for a spanky extra wound lol
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