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CSM Warbands and Demon Engines


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We all know that a Chaos Space Marine Traitor Legion can basically create, field, and maintain just about anything their chaos lords want. Abaddon was the brainfather of the Defiler daemon engine, it seems the Iron Warriors were the brainfathers of the Forge/Maulerfiends, and who knows what mad lord of chaos thought up the Heldrake. The point is chaos legions have the resources to create and own these dark marvels, how would a warband or renegade space marine chapter acquire the know-how to find, use, and maintain these hellish machine-beasts?


My own chaos renegades for example would very much like to learn the ways of demon-binding and field these terrors but what would be the process behind it? Say a warband of traitorous Praetors of Orpheus were led by a heretical Techmarine-turned Warpsmith. How would he go about delving into the black secrets of warpforging and demon-binding?

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They may be based on a captured Forge World.

They may have been hired by the Dark Mechanicus, and get daemon engines.

They may be under the orders of a warmaster, like Abaddon or Davroth, who gives them what they need.

They may have bought their daemons engines from Legions/Dark Mechanicus in exchange for slaves/relics...

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The daemon engines could also be the spoils of war against a Legion warband and are maintained by their Techmarines and Librarians. Or, it could be that those same Techmarines and Librarians learned how to do themselves. In Daemonworld by Ben Counter, the Violators, a Renegade Chapter that turned at an unknown date(as far as I know), maintained a small squadron of daemon-possessed Thunderhawks.
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Remember that if your warband or renegade chapter goes anywhere, then they have a ship, and probably more than one. Then remember that for each chaos marine warrior on a ship, there's probably a hundred traitor technicians, engineers, priests, galley slaves, ship-possessing spirits, genestealer-tainted stowaways, and other various & sundry non-chaos-marine persons who might never appear on the battlefield.


It might be difficult to envision how a small independent renegade force would maintain a battle titan, but it doesn't at all strain the imagination for them to have access to a reasonable selection of vehicles, daemon engines, landing vessels, and the like, maintained by corrupted mechanicus servants, even if they don't have access to a warpsmith proper.


As for where they'd get such a thing in the first place - traded materials to a warpsmith, won in battle against a smaller part of a larger chaos host, found abandoned on an ancient battlefield & awakened with a binding pact, acquired from a daemonic patron, built by a renegade tech priest who has started experimenting with daemonic technology, etc.

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In addition to the above posts, they could just make their own. The biggest problem your warband will have is learning how to bind a daemon. The machine itself can be just about anything devised by your warpsmith/techmarine, then possessed. So perhaps he finds an ancient tome, filled with heretical writing and sacrificial procedures. Part of their background could be the hunt for such a book, for example. Or perhaps they found it while they were still loyal, and it led to their undoing.


Or maybe once your warband fled to they Eye/Maelstrom, your techpriest paid a fee of geneseed, materials, info on your chapters where-abouts, doings, weaknesses whatever; in return for tutelage in the Dark Arts of the Mechanicum. Eventually rejoining his warband as a knew man with depthless knowledge of the warp and its manipulation...

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Personally I believe that people usually downplay the role of the Dark Mechanicus - half, or more of the AdMech gone rogue during the Heresy, so in proportion, the Eye and other areas of great Chaos activity, they must be usually more equipped than the loyalist counterparts. I think there must me lots of DarkMech sects willing to sell/lend/make daemonic pacts to make their stuff available to wage war - and even themselves must be much more present in the battlefields than the AdMech, since those machines must require expertise to handle, and the most of the DarkMech forces where Titan Legions and other militant groups..
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