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quick question concerning cqc rules

The Unspeakable

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Exactly as it says on the tin, I noticed on the codex that chaos space marines need to pay for cqc weapons, whereas plague marines are always equipped with bolt pistols and plague knives, along with their default boltgun.


So, the question is, do the plague marines count as having a boltgun, a pistol AND a cqc weapon at any given time, inferring they can choose to fire their bolter while still having 2 attacks in CQC for having 2 close combat weapons? And can they choose between the bolter and bolt pistols in the middle of combat, firing bolters at 24 inches and shooting the bolt pistol at 12 inches so they can charge?

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Really? Wow. I had no idea, was playing them one attack all the time, dammit.


Yep they've been that way for a very long time. I'm pretty sure the codex before that too (certainly 2nd/3rd ed figures are modelled that way).


It's always (at least for the last few editions) applied to all the cult troops barring 1ksons.

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I'm pretty sure the codex before that too (certainly 2nd/3rd ed figures are modelled that way).


Yeah, all my PMs still have a bolter and ccw in hand... a reminder of the good 'ol "True Grit" days. I'll be damned to change them now.

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