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Using Vraksian renegades


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So, now we finally have humans in our armies, and half of them comes with autoguns, which is totally useless in my opinion. But now we can use Vraks renegades as battle brothers, getting some quite interesting options... For example rogue sorcerers for the price of one marine, preachers who gives rerolls to hit, and mortar squads with chemical shells with AP3.


But here is the question: will IG-style platoons be useful for CSM? In IA7 they are 10 points more expensive than IG, and without full potential of IG. Sill you can field 55 bodies for a price of 10 havocs with flaks, add 5 plasmaguns and lots of heavy weapons. Will this additional cost be worth cheap sorcerers and infiltrators with 3 plasmas for price of 9 basic marines?

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I certainly think so, especially with the Ogryn units. Though that may be due to my 3000ish pts worth of Vraks in storage.......


-edited to add- It also gives us easy access to weapons platforms, mutant rabbles and Hell Talons which are all good units without needing Aeronautica,as well as artillery strikes and preachers of nurgle which are fun and fluffy too :)

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