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What to do, what to do....

Brother Hadafix

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I am actually finding it easier to write lists with the new dex rather than the previous.



You can get cultists, noisemarines and daemon engines in the same army even at relatively low point values. What problems are you having exactly?

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I am actually finding it easier to write lists with the new dex rather than the previous.



You can get cultists, noisemarines and daemon engines in the same army even at relatively low point values. What problems are you having exactly?


Well I can redo the list and I have the old fluff somewhere, but I am not sure I really want to.


I have looked over it, wondered over how it will play as I am sure it would look great, but the effort and the possibility that I won't be able to use it next edition is nagging.


I have almost finished one project, so it would be good to start looking at another, but doing something again feels 'stale', you know what I mean?


The thing is, I know it would good and the background was good, and it used to play quite well. I even know what engines I want to use and the colour scheme, but all in a muddle.


Maybe I need to sit down with the codex again ;)

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Soo...let me boil this down. Your last post was a bit confusing.


1) The new codex lets you run something similar to your old LatD list.


2) You don't want to run your old LaTD list as it would feel a bit stale.


3) "I know it would good"


Simple solution is: You have the models. recreate your old army and have a few games with it.


If it feels old and stale. Start something new.


Bear in mind that we are 2 codexes and 3 editions on from the LatD list, so gameplay will be...5x different to what you were used to.

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Jeske has some of my thinking, however, I think it is possible to run something similar.


I sold of all my CSM stuff when the 4.0 codex came out, I just couldn't bring myself to play that and needed funds for something new.


Daemons at 2k is something I am considering, I like the thought of running the masque and love her (?) background.


I think I will explore something new, based on what I had before....

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