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Disciples of Truth Undivided Warband


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Verum Vadum Paro Vos Solvo...


Verum Discipulus


The Disciples of the Truth (High Gothic: Verum Discipulus) trace their origins to the last days of the Horus Heresy. After the death of the Warmaster and the entombment of the false emperor upon his golden throne, the traitor legions dispersed towards the Eye of Terror and elsewhere in the galaxy. When Lorgar gave the order to retreat, a portion of the Legion went a different course, towards Ultramar in the Ultima Segmentum. There they have fought the Long War against the Ultramarines and the Imperium of the Carrion God ever since...


So begins the back story for the war band I am pledging for the Call of Chaos beginning on Friday (11/2/12). For the Call, I will endeavor to build:


  1. 1 Chaos Lord
  2. 1Heldrake
  3. 1Helbrute
  4. 5 Chosen
  5. 10 Man Marine Squad


I have acquired the Lord, Helbrute, & chosen from bitz sellers out of the Dark Vengeance box. I have also ordered the marines and the Heldrake. The eventual force will see a horde of cultists, 2 Heldrakes, 2 Fiends of some sort, and many others...


Here is the pictures of what has arrived to date:


The Lord:





The Helbrute:



The Chosen:



The base color shall be amethyst trimmed in steel. The emblem shall beckon to the Pre-Heresy Word Bearers book, but shall be suitably desecrated...


May the Primordial Truth shine up you as we answer the Call of Chaos!

Working on getting the Helbrute together:






Also trying Liquid Green Stuff for the first time.


No paint till Friday...

A nice group shot of the models assembled so far for the call:




The Aspiring Champion for the squad of marines:






That's an extra axe from the DV Chosen, a generic plasma pistol, & a fancy helm from the Chaos Warriors box. I've used a few of those in the squad so far.

And now a spare Chosen to show my color scheme:








The base color is a home brew of Tamiya Flat White with Tamiya purple added till I got the shade I was looking for. I mixed enough to airbrush the whole army.


Details were picked out in various Citadel, Vallejo, and Reaper colors. I don't think this is too bad, considering its only the second mini I've painted in about the last 4 years or so...


Let me know.





I've been painting on the Helbrute for the past few days. I figured it was big enough that it would help me get back into the swing of things.










I'm getting there. I'm only going for a 2-foot table top quality. That's about all I'm good for these days...


Let me know what you think.

Thank you. That was the idea. I've painted blue marines (Ultras), gray marines (wolves), red marines (BA) in the past,so I wanted something out of the norm for my first ever Chaos army. It will be a nice contrast to the others in my local game area.


I just hope I mixed a big enough pot of the base color to get the whole army airbrushed!

I will. I will probably mix a small bottle of Future & purple wash. I've already given it a wash of Nuln Oil, and that looks really good in person. If I don't do a wash of the Future mix, I might thin some Vallejo.


Anyone have any tips?



Ca-Caw! Working on the Heldrake whilst listening to election returns:




This puppy is going to be fun to paint. Not sold on the GW flying stand though. May need a resin base & an acrylic rod. That would seem to be sturdier to me.

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