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My new nurgle lord


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Right I often used a single prince as my lord in the last few chaos codex's, but before that I often ran a power armoured lord, with jump pack.


When popping into my local GW I decided to pick up the warhammer plastic nurgle lord, as I really like the model. Putting him together I realized how much bigger he is over a normal marine, so I thought I would use him as a rather expensive nurgle lord with the black mace on a palaquin. weighing in at 208 points he is rather expensive (mark of nurgle, black mace, palaquin, twin linked bolter, melta bombs, sigil, gift)






He still needs a bit of green stuff work (although my green stuffing skills aren't too great). I was aiming to paint his skin as if it were armour, mutating and becoming a part of him over the many many years in the service of papa nurgle, granting him an extra 2 wounds.


as he is, i feel he doesn't look that 40k, though I hope once he is painted he shall fit right in.


I also might add in a shield for him to stand on, and some nurglings carrying it, to make him taller to represent the palaquin better, although apart from Epidemius I have no idea what base to put him on or how tall he should be...

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He has one of the DV chosen back packs (nurgley type vents) and it is a bolter being reloaded. I considered a combi flamer/melta, but am keeping it as just a combi-bolter. Might stick a second bolter on him to represent this more accurately.


I feel a lick of paint will help, as well as adding a few grenades, second bolter and maybe even a melta bomb.

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I've also ordered a few parts for a second chaos lord in terminator armour, and I might pop down to GW and get some nurglings to see if I can make a mini palaquin (on a separate note, any idea just how big a palaquin of nurgle should be for a power armoured chaos lord?).
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I am hardly the first person to use the WHFB lord in 40k :P


I intend to pop down to GW tomorrow and purchase some nurglings, I'm currently thinking a single layer of nurglings with a rhino side hatch to stand on, I'll see how this looks (I've wanted some nurglings for awhile, so its all good).


I'm glad that the lord is standing with both his feel flat, if one was mid step I don't think he'd look so good standing on something being carried :)

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Quick update, bought some nurglings (and some plague bearers) and this is currently held together by blue tac, but gets the scale across.



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Platform is a rhino side hatch :lol:


Still going to take quite a bit of work to get the nurglings sorted out, but I'm happy with the size of him for now, you can imagine him jumping down and striding forwards into a challenge, while the nurglings follow :tu:

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Right, added a few more nurglings, mainly the ones at the back that I had to chop up to fit the platform on.


I'd like to do more work on him. But if I wait I'll lose interest, so going to be undercoating him soon. Nurglings need a little bit of green stuff so they will wait :P



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