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Rending versus vehicle


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I was curious what the consensus was for this. A shooting rending attatck wounds automatically and is resolved at ap2. "In either case, against vehicles an amour penetration roll of a 6 allows a futher d3 to be rolled with the result added to the total." does thiis mean that the vehicle damage table gets reloved at ap2 or ap 4 in the case of an assault cannon? It makes sense for it to be ap2 but i can see an argument either way.
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"In either case (shooting or assault), against vehicles, each armour penetration roll of 6 allows a further d3 to be rolled (on top of the S+d6), with the result added to the total.", BRB, Pg.41


It's pretty clear - in either the case of a shooting or close combat attack, a Rending attack will roll S+d6+d3 if the d6 roll is a 6. The attack still has the normal AP of whatever is doing the attacking (AP4 in the case of a Mace).

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The rule is broken up into the three seperate paragraphs for melee, shooting and vehicles. AP 2 is always associated with the auto-wound aspect but against vehicles it is just the +d3 and no modification to the weapon's AP for damage rolls. It seems intentional to me.


Exactly. No more AP2 rending away vehicles! :)

Exactly. Rending attacks should be able to strip away hull points fast enough already. They don't the extra chance of explosion on top of it.

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