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Planning at the moment 2 squads, 10 strong with flamers to act as a meatshield for my 'Zerkers and Raptors as I have seen many pontificate over.


However, do I beef them up to 20 strong each or combine the 2 squads into 1, or keep as they are?


The first 2 options could make for more effective screens, but I'm just wondering that size of target and with so poor a save, blast weapons are going to love them.


On the other hand, the are only cultists so I won't shed too many tears....



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10 cultists is an easy target for First Blood, that would be my main concern. It's not much of a meat shield when it runs at the first volley of fire, either. IMHO, either go for 20+, or get 10-20 and just keep them in reserve to grab your home objectives later in the game.
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They can will give away killpoints. Don't expect them to survive the battle.


This however can also be used to your advantage if an opponent will focus to much on them.

24 Cultists 2 flamers are my favourite size, they most likely will get the attention and that will mean your other units can benifit from that.

Still not that easy to remove and the mob is able to be annoying in great ways.

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10 cultists held in reserve to take late game objectives work great. Flamers work amazing with them to soften up basically any target. Never underestimate a flamer!

Honestly the only reasons ever to run larger than bare squads are if they're running with a fearless character or are zombies.

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