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BA vs. the Daemonic incursion.


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Hyperios is indeed a 1-4 choice fast attack choice, 35pts a piece so no issues there :P


Its a shame as I cannot replace the 4 shots with any other unit in the ba list for 100 points, did try and do a SM list but just didnt like it so I'll run it how I said above and see how it goes.

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Didnt go too good, opponent won the roll off and made me go first, totally wasted turn 1:(. his turn deepstruck his flamers under the skyshield, both plague bearer units into cover one scattered out, horrors just in front of my skyshield and epidermus with 14 PB's near his objective (played emperors bore draw, I mean will). Because of the size of the skyshield view is restrictive, and I put it at a angle, which maybe I should not have?, one side fired at the nearest plague bearers, all they could see really, left two standing, damn. Second side (with thunderfire) fired at other group of plague bearers and the assault squad deepstruck and SR come in and killed all but 1, that cost me first blood damn you!.


And that was really as effective as my shooting went, as not everyone on the skyshield could see the same targets I couldnt focus all my fire on one squad to take them down how I had planned, I managed to wipe out epidermus and his 14 PB's quite easily, two rounds of shooting with SR, sternguard round of shooting then charging in (had FC) plus a helpful aerotech piece which killed 4 PB's (booby trap, d6 S5 hits iirc).


Hyperios did its thing and grounded the tzeentch DP which I then took down with krak missiles (ap3 so ignores his armour and null zone to make him re roll his invul) in the end there was 3 PB left on the table, 8 horrors, 3 flamers 2 fiends both wounded and his nurgle SC greater demon thing, i had both libbys, full sternguard, SR 3 scouts, and 5 devis plus corbulo and 2 hyperios. The skyshield plus FNP really did save me a lot of wounds but cost me a lot of damage as I had to spilt my fire, also I lost most of my tac squad because I gave him a ruling which I think is not RAW. Template weapons can wound a squad if they cant see them but as they cant be seen they cant have wounds allocated to them, basically the flamers were within 5 inches of the skyshield and could only see 2 tac marines, the skyshield is cheesy so I let him have it.


Overall I doubt I'll be using a skyshield again, def not against demons, it is much better suited against armies that deploy and use high strength weapons or for armies without a 3+ save, it did save a lot of troops but LOS is a issue with it.

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Something that brought it home to me how bad these are is that it takes 486 Bolter shots to drop 3x9 Screamers +3x9 Flamers. Or a 'mere' 365 Bolter shots with Prescience on every shot. What about Prescience and Null Zone ? 274 Bolter shots.



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The skyshield did help massively against his first turn alpha strike, pretty much blunted by the fact I had a 4+ save plus loads of templates.


The other way I thought of to take them on is 15 termies mostly with TH SS with 3 tac squads with plasma cannons 7 DC and a storm raven, sang priest in each termie squad. termies to take their alpha strike then to soak up the wounds from over watch DC to charge after and those two units should wipe anything out, 30 tac marines to give me ablative wounds so i still have some scoring left at the end of the game, SR to ground any FMC's

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Played against a daemon army on Sunday and was tabled on turn 3. :P


Some details? What did you use? What worked/didnt?

What went wrong?


Some details here (Battle Three)


Interesting comment here:




I believe he went on to win the tournament as he was a good general and I don’t think anyone had an army that could deal with his Daemons.


Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

People need to now theme to beat daemons.

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I play in a league at my local hobby store with some decent prizes at the end for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and best painted.


I played one of the regulars, who had C:SM allied with Screamers and Flamers. He only had one unit of each mind you.


Without getting into too much detail, I found the following things that worked....to a degree, but give me cause for concern if I had to fight a full list.


I was able to get the charge off with 9 Death Company with bolters, 1 with a fist, 1 with an axe and a Reclusiarch with a powerfist attached against a 9man squad of Screamers


After firing with my bolters, bolt pistol I took out 2 Screamers.


I opted to use my Crozius in lieu of the fist as I was striking at i5. I wiped the remaining screamers and was left with 2 wounds on the reclusiarch and I believe 4 DC.


I was able to reduce a 7man flamer squad to 1 with two dakka preds and double tapping bolters from a Tac squad.


At this point, I am seriously contemplating upping my DC to 14 with the Reclusiarch attached. The Tactical squad will be taking a plasma cannon from now.

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I was able to get the charge off with 9 Death Company with bolters, 1 with a fist, 1 with an axe and a Reclusiarch with a powerfist attached against a 9man squad of Screamers


After firing with my bolters, bolt pistol I took out 2 Screamers.


I opted to use my Crozius in lieu of the fist as I was striking at i5. I wiped the remaining screamers and was left with 2 wounds on the reclusiarch and I believe 4 DC.


How did your squad not die in return?

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He had 6 (I think) left to strike back with 3 attacks each. So he had 18 rolls to hit needing 4s, so 9 or so of those went through and he needed 3s to wound. I think I took 6 wounds total and didn't make any Feel no pains or invuls on the reclusiarch.


Before I charged, he lost 1 to a 6man squad of snipers shooting with 5 sniper shots and a frag missile.

2 from the bolters firing before the charge and 1 from the Reclusiarch using his Crozius at i5.


EDIT: Put wrong roll for wounds. Corrected.

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I hate that I keep finding interesting allied ideas and less BA-specifics.


Sisters of Battle! LOL


130pts for 9 bolters and a heavy bolter. Then Retributor squad for 4 Heavy Bolters for 85pts. Then Saint Celestine for 115pts.


Celestine dies charging a Flamer unit, allowing other chargers to survive. Next turn or two, she revives and does it again. Shoot the Screamers, assault the Flamers when Celestine is able to do her thing. "Miraculous Intervention" indeed. Lol

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I hate that I keep finding interesting allied ideas and less BA-specifics.


Sisters of Battle! LOL


130pts for 9 bolters and a heavy bolter. Then Retributor squad for 4 Heavy Bolters for 85pts. Then Saint Celestine for 115pts.


Celestine dies charging a Flamer unit, allowing other chargers to survive. Next turn or two, she revives and does it again. Shoot the Screamers, assault the Flamers when Celestine is able to do her thing. "Miraculous Intervention" indeed. Lol


Damn you man! you had me pricing up 500pts of SOB last night, even more damns when the cost come out at near 200quid!. It is tempting though as I would like to do some allies but saint celestine is very cheap for what she can do

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Played against a daemon army on Sunday and was tabled on turn 3. :)


Some details? What did you use? What worked/didnt?

What went wrong?


Some details here (Battle Three)


Interesting comment here:




I believe he went on to win the tournament as he was a good general and I don’t think anyone had an army that could deal with his Daemons.


Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

People need to now theme to beat daemons.


This was a low point value tournament (1200) designed for beginners. It was only my second ever tournament and my first game against daemons with the new rules. Even with a couple of days to think about it I'm not really sure that I could have brought a list that would have stood a decent chance against that army without crippling myself against other opponents.

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Damn you man! you had me pricing up 500pts of SOB last night, even more damns when the cost come out at near 200quid!. It is tempting though as I would like to do some allies but saint celestine is very cheap for what she can do


I think that's probably the wrong approach to sisters. While their scoring 3+ bodies are nice and cheap as troops selection you will be taking them for what is the single best-value hero for her poiints, Celestine, and for some digustingly cheap rending Heavy Bolters at BS4. I'd rather spend points on firepower in the BA arsenal than go down the route of getting Seraphim.

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Ha, figured it was, he did say you were a good sport and was unlucky with your dice. We both go to the chelmsford bunker, funny how its two people ive noticed in 2 days are both locals. Where bouts you from bud?, i play at chelmsford bunker and overlords
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Ha, figured it was, he did say you were a good sport and was unlucky with your dice. We both go to the chelmsford bunker, funny how its two people ive noticed in 2 days are both locals. Where bouts you from bud?, i play at chelmsford bunker and overlords


I'm from Welling in Kent so Tabletop Nation is not exactly local but a 40-50 minute drive is not too bad. I drive 30 minutes to play at my mates house each week!

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Interesting comment here:



I believe he went on to win the tournament as he was a good general and I don’t think anyone had an army that could deal with his Daemons.


Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

People need to now theme to beat daemons.


This was a low point value tournament (1200) designed for beginners. It was only my second ever tournament and my first game against daemons with the new rules. Even with a couple of days to think about it I'm not really sure that I could have brought a list that would have stood a decent chance against that army without crippling myself against other opponents.



Nah for sure :P Wasnt a comment directed at you per se, more to tourney people in general. How we now have to factor this in to such a degree. :ph34r:

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I don't think you can meta for Daemons and still hold up against other lists. It really is luck of the draw.


There was an interesting discussion on 11th Company's podcast I think about the Warmachine 2 list tournament system. Where you take 2 lists from the same book and blind pick your list only knowing the race you are facing, not their list.


I can see this coming into 40k more and more as match ups seem to be coming in to play heavily.

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