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Salutations Loyalist, Traitors, and other denizens of Bolter and Chainsword!


I have been a long fan of the 40k universe, yet despite this I seem unable to come up with the time or motivation to actually start an army and play! *gasp*.

However, to make up for this, I have absorbed a lot of the 40k lore, and have a special attraction the the Horus Heresy (who doesn't?). And so, I wish to contribute to the website via discussions of fluff at least until I can get an army set up (once university isn't an issue). I "started" collecting a Necron army (HERESY!) from the previous codex, which is at this moment incomplete, and with the new codex I hope I can at least complete a hundred point army. However I will never discuss this army EVAR, I am simply saying before i collect a space marine army, i have to finish my studies and my necrons. Since seeing the light of the Emprah, I do plan (thanks to some previous peeking around in the site) on making a Raven Guard army once all has been finished.


Until then, Expect to see me in the various fluff related threads!


Victorus aut Mortis


Eddicus the Tyrant

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Speaking of Raven Guard, I highly suggest checking out SCC's Raven Guard - his army is the benchmark for all other RG armies I come across. Well worth having a look, brother. :P
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