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Target Declaration


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Usualy, when shooting with my storm raven, whether or not I POTMS at a different target, or shoot my blood strikes depends on what my Multimelta or assault cannon managed.

During my last game, my opponant insisted, since all shooting happens at the same time, I must declare everything I planned to shoot, and their respective targets, which on several occaisions, left my limited blood strikes shooting at none existant targets, or vehicles surviving because I split fire.


Now, If thats the rule, fair enough, but I've never played it that way before.



Any thoughts?

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Even with POTMS?


And does that include fireing one shot weapons?



Step 1 - nominate the shooting unit

Step 2 - choose a target (or multiples in the case of PotMS/Split Fire/Super-heavy vehicles/etc...)

Step 3 - Roll to hit (at which point it is too late to alter or amend your selection of target(s))

Step 4 - etc...

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With that being the case, how are people pulling off Flamer/Melta shenanigans?


By that I mean using their Template weapons first and then using their Melta weaponry to increase the chance of sniping a model. (This was mentioned in a thread somewhere but my search-fu is failing right now.)

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With that being the case, how are people pulling off Flamer/Melta shenanigans?


By that I mean using their Template weapons first and then using their Melta weaponry to increase the chance of sniping a model. (This was mentioned in a thread somewhere but my search-fu is failing right now.)

Guess you'd have to be more specific or provide a link.

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How would that work?.. I mean you should not roll any armor saves untill after the unit has stopped shooting. So the order he shoots his weapons should not matter...


Also I don't see why you should declare how many bloodstrike missiles you are planning to use. Or did i misunderstand?

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All hits are done, then wounds, then saves, in the order decided by the player.


So a unit with two flamers and a serge with two IPs can perfectly legaly roll to hit with everything, wound with everything, and then force the flamer and bolt saves before the IP.


You cant roll to hit, then wound, then save with your bolt pistols, before deciding if you wish to fire your plasma rifles and risk getting hot.

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Pretty much. Essentially, this is a decent guide for a Raven:


Legal - "My Storm Raven will fire its twin-linked multi-melta and two bloodstrike missiles at that Defiler, and use PotMS to shoot its twin linked assault cannon at the possessed"


Not Legal - "My Storm Raven will fire its twin-linked multi-melta at that Defiler" *rolls dice* "Now two bloodstrike missiles" *rolls dice and wrecks it* "Now use PotMS to shoot its twin linked assault cannon at the possessed"


Its the same reasoning that your tactical squad can't open fire with all its weapons at a unit except for a plasma gun, waiting to see if the plasma is necessary so that they have a shot at destroying the unit before risking that overheat. For the missiles, they're one use weapons - declaring them singly is like having a sternguard squad with 10 combi-meltas, and wanting to break a monolith. You can't just keep doing them one at a time until you manage to break it hoping to conserve combi's, you have to commit to a number and hope its exactly the right number to take it down, not too many (wasteful) and not too few (no effect).

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Pretty much. Essentially, this is a decent guide for a Raven:


Legal - "My Storm Raven will fire its twin-linked multi-melta and two bloodstrike missiles at that Defiler, and use PotMS to shoot its twin linked assault cannon at the possessed"


Not Legal - "My Storm Raven will fire its twin-linked multi-melta at that Defiler" *rolls dice* "Now two bloodstrike missiles" *rolls dice and wrecks it* "Now use PotMS to shoot its twin linked assault cannon at the possessed"


Its the same reasoning that your tactical squad can't open fire with all its weapons at a unit except for a plasma gun, waiting to see if the plasma is necessary so that they have a shot at destroying the unit before risking that overheat. For the missiles, they're one use weapons - declaring them singly is like having a sternguard squad with 10 combi-meltas, and wanting to break a monolith. You can't just keep doing them one at a time until you manage to break it hoping to conserve combi's, you have to commit to a number and hope its exactly the right number to take it down, not too many (wasteful) and not too few (no effect).


Seems reasonable:)..

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