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Chaos Artifacts


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If I could add a suppliment to C:CSM for the Chaos Artifacts, I would do it as follows:


Undivided -

1 - The Black Mace

2 - Dimensional Key

3 - The Murder Sword

4 - Black Armor - Terminator Armor that gives bearer EW and FNP


Khorne -

1 - Burning Brand of Skalathrax

2 - Axe of Blind Fury


Slaanesh -

1 - Whip of Ecstasy - Gives bearer I10, AP3, causes ID, Daemon Weapon

2 - Trumpet of Terror - Shooting Weapon S8* AP 1, assault 6, 18" range *wounds against targets Ld, not toughness


Tzeentch -

1 - Scrolls of Magnus

2 - Armor of Change - Grants bearer 2+/4++(3++ with Mark of tzeentch) save and allows him to move 12" during movement phase without being slowed by terrain


Nurgle -

1 - Claws of Pestilence - Two Lightning Claws that add +2S and grant a bonus attack for every unsaved wound (bonus attacks do not generate more bonus attacks)

2 - Orb of Blight - Any enemy unit in CC with bearer suffers -1S and -1T during the assault phase


How would you all do it?

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Khorne -

1 - Burning Brand of Skalathrax


khorne with a shooty weapon?? how do you justify that?


Maybe because that is the flamer used by Khârn on Skalathrax ? Maybe because Khorne isn't about berzerkers without bolt pistols ?

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Khorne -

1 - Burning Brand of Skalathrax


khorne with a shooty weapon?? how do you justify that?


Maybe because that is the flamer used by Khârn on Skalathrax ? Maybe because Khorne isn't about berzerkers without bolt pistols ?


I know, I'm mostly a fantasy player. sadly, I forgot the fluff behind the weapon which justifies those rules a little. sorry, my bad ;)

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Well, two things.... First, Khârn was the one to use it originally. Second, KILL MAIM BURN includes BURN, which would imply, you know, BURNING .....,;)


Oh yeah, and it says it could be a Khorne weapon in its fluff in the codex.... So three reasons

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Black Mace has felt like a Nurgle-weapon since I read about it for the first time, except that unlike AoBF it doesn't have a stupid "requires Mark XXX" infront of it.
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Don't really care all that much about a minimum of 2 per god. If I where to give it a number I would like to see 13 Chaos Artifacts.


Simply said we should have more, much more. It simply does not make sence that this is all there is to it and not give us any options on say Thunderhammers and what not.

Certain whole chapters turned renegade but their first compagny just send the goodies back to the loyalists or something??


Not only does it make less sence, it also limits us in fluff and choices of marks for certain units.

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Vuvuzela of dispair... (i actually really like the rules of this one)


also, some of these thing seems abit off to me, really (and some abit overpowered, but i guess if they just cost alot of points, it would balance out), for example, it seem abit much that the whip gives you I10, slaneesh lords allready have I6, afterall... and well, both the nugle artifacts seems kinda overpowered, further more, the lightning claws seems very un-nurgley to me, they feel mostly like a khorne thing (really hard hitting huge claws that kills more the more you kill...) i would rather see them have an unwieldy power weapon with maybe 2+ poison


however. i have an idea that might be relevant, give back chaos the list of daemon weapons they had in the last dex? , either as an "easy fix" or as suppliment to all of this

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I'd prefer something a little more to cater for the legion players, rather than the gods themselves. This would help those who feel their army is under represented and give them something fitting but not over the top.



Book of Lorgar,

A copy of the word bearer primarch's masterwork on the ways of the warp. Bound in human flesh, these aberrant volumes contain arcane rites and deviant rituals, tracts on the bizarre denizens of the empyrean and the ways of the daemonancer. Word bearers dark apostles use these blasphemous tomes to plan their attacks according to the dictates of their primarch. If the model carrying the book of lorgar is your army's warlord he may choose his warlord trait rather than roll on the table.

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