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If you could change one thing


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Hey all,


I know that many are disappointed with the new codex. I have seen some posts about what you thing is bad or why it is bad, but I am interested in knowing what you would change.


So, here is the scenario:


You work for GW and you can change one, and only one, thing about the codex. What would it be? :)

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I think it would be better to define the question as "What would your ideas be? Like if you wanted NEW units and options, what would they be? If you want Legion lists, then what are some of your ideas for some sample Legion lists?" That way you don't get 8 million people giving the exact same generic answer. My two bits.


As far as what I would change, not much. For the most part, I would take a note of FW book. Literally in this case. For example, take the Warp Talons. Move them to the Elites slot. Cheapen them up until they are only two or three points per unit more expensive than the Raptor. Change the load out to the Raptor's loadout and give them the same options. The difference would be something like "Any unit can trade its CCW and Bolt Pistol for Twin Lightning Claws for free." And since GW insists on making them daemons, give them the same table the Possessed has. Speaking of the Possessed, do something similar with them. Just little things like that. Maybe make a few more special Elites units that can be used to characterize the higher ranking and more specialized units.

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True Cult Terminators, if I only get the one.


Otherwise, nothing too much. Make Warp Talons, Possessed and Mutilators less lame. Swap the stats on Abbadon's weapons so they make some damn sense. Re-word some of the more ambiguous things, like Noise and Plague Marine Champion weapon options. Re-print the 2nd Edition book's background verbatim, and include a statement that anything written by Mat Ward is officially expunged from the record. Standard stuff, y'know?

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More daemon weapon options, giving each of the four Gods one dedicated weapon and possibly a basic daemon weapon that you roll on a table at the start of each game to determine bonus effect, like +1 str or +1 attack. Other than that, I am actually pretty well in love with the new dex.
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Removing Mutilators.


Adding Dreadclaws.


Adding Gibbering Hordes.


Adding a new HQ choice being 1-3 Aspiring Champions that you get to attach to Cultist Squads, maybe even with a "Execution" style rule if they fail a morale test.


So many choices, I'm not sure. :/



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Hey, yeah! Why do commissars get to be more brutal than we do? That should be the chaos army-wide special rule- your characters (ICs and otherwise) can opt to slay one of their own squad to pass morale. Doesn't make us exactly fearless, but it is vicious and characterful. It is also a lot cooler than your CSMs getting obliterated in a sweeping advance because your mutated bio-engineered killing machines got scared.


Gibbering hordes would also be awesome.

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Like said above, I really hate that possessed suck so bad. How is it fair that they are 26 points when grey knights are 20, with a force weapon, and come standard with a psychic power that boosts them to S5?


Even better yet, I agree with Lexington, if everything Mat Ward wrote was expunged from the records the game would honestly almost instantly become balanced.

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Legions. I hate that other codeces represent our legion troops better than the Chaos one does. Space Wolves have a far more Chaotic organisation potential than our codex does - that aspiring champion idea above is a loooot like the wolf guard...


As for points values, I'm guessing we're entering an age with more balanced armies, 20pts Grey Knights is just dumb.

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I would actually like to have thousand sons go back to having 2 wounds each (if they lose invulnerable save so be it). I find it weird that they die in droves to small arms but can shrug off battle cannons and powerfists to the face.


Make the squad sorcerer lvl 2, adjust point appropriately. Since all Thousand Sons are actual factual 10 thousand year old sorcerers (only TS have rubrics) I find it hard to believe they only know one battle spell.


I would be tempted to make Inferno bolts a spell.

When the sorcerer casts the spell he choses one of the following three effects: AP 3, ignores cover or armour bane

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Sort 1ksons out.


I'm thinking 2W + Eternal warrior (maybe dropping the invulnerable save.) and making the sorcerer cheaper at least at a basic level even if it doesn't come with a force weapon as a standard piece of wargear. Tzeentch's powers could do with some sorting... Depending on how the aspiring sorcerer is fixed maybe they could buy certain powers like Grey Knights rather than rolling for them.

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Roll a D6


1) Have an Option to buy Eternal Warrior for HQs

2) Get rid of the "Obliterator Weapon" rule in order for them to fire any weapon they want in each shooting phase

3) Make Defiler 175 pts

4) CCW as one of the standard equipment for chaos marines

5) Let Veterans of the Long War also allow to re-roll failed Ld test

6) Drop Pods

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Difficult...either make Forgefiends 50pts cheaper or Ubergrit&VotlW for free. But then again, DP needs EW and Oblits lack fearless. get rid of the "daemon of x" nonsense and return to +1A as MoK. legion rules. give the Warpsmith fearless, access to special issue wargear and move fiends to elite! have plague zombies count as MoN for nurgle tally. nerf ATSKNF. too much...
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Scrap the lore of Tzeentch, or/and add the following to the mark of Tzeentch "Any model with a mark of Tzeentch that suffers a perils of the warp may use it's invun save against it". Either one of those and suddenly Thousand sons are not the worst cult troop as ever.

EDIT:The fact this thread exists just a coupke of weeks after the codex's release says a lot about it and GW...

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EDIT:The fact this thread exists just a coupke of weeks after the codex's release says a lot about it and GW...


Not really, I think that the fact this thread has appeared so quickly says more about a fanbase always wanting more. I'm sure you could get the same thing for any codex, even GK or SW. Fans will always want more.


Personally, I'd have liked to see more than one flier or more than 1 new ground daemon engine (ok, I know it's two but they are identical in looks except for the weapons load out). We keep hearing that daemon engines are so varied yet we have the mechanical spider or the mechanical wolf. If there really is such variety, give us more variety, in more slots. What is stopping us having some sort of possessed skimmer or bike-style squadron? Why do all of the daemon engines have to look like beasts to have a daemon inside? Surely the shape of the vehicle/engine does not deem it possession-worthy, it's the variance of the vehicle that's important. 10,000 years in the eye forging great machines of war and putting daemons inside them against their will and we get 4 variants?? Sounds like someone's been taking a few extended lunch breaks, Mr Warpsmith....

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raptors get hit and run , so now they are an actual option to take .




apostol does something do the army , not just one unit , he is worse then a lord or a sorc every time .




move the chaos technarine to elite




make tzeench lore not suck so hard




fix nurgle and tzeench icons




make Forge/maulers MC not walkers



anyone of those would give the codex more possible options to take.

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Been trying to think about what to do for 1k sons. Like others have pointed out laughing at a lascannon but falling just as easily as any other marines to small arms doesn't make much sense.


How about their rubric manifesting as a 2+/5++ save? Make them a little similar to termies, except without the impressive weapons loadouts. Choosing the effect of Inferno bolts like Shugg suggests, and having them pay for spells like Hellios did. These guys are master magicians, surely they have the wits and time to practice decent spells instead of it being random?


As others have said the Aspiring Sorcerers need to be more powerful, they've been around for ten millenia. Mind you, you can say the same about the average marines, and having to pay extra for hatred of space marines while they get ATSKNF seems craptastic. It should at least be standard on more guys - all of the cult troops (instead of just the 1k sons, for some reason...), HQs, Chosen and Terminators.

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Personally I'd have liked to have been able to give the icons to none marked squads. I just think it would have allowed those of us who play legions/warbands that aren't god specific to customise our lists that little bit more.


;) I want my Night Lords to cause fear.

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