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If you could change one thing


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Really though, Jeske's suggestions are great too - very dissatisfied with the tech and apostle as HQ choices, they should add more functionality, have more flexibility or be in different slots.


Also: a land raider worth a damn. Two loyalist chapters have invented their own (more useful) variations on this thing, but the warpsmiths haven't even tinkered with the design in ten thousand years?


It should at least be standard on more guys - all of the cult troops (instead of just the 1k sons, for some reason...)

No rubricae have been created since the spell was cast, as far as I know. The existing ones have been around since the heresy. That isn't always true of other cult troops, which you might find (or find close equivalents of) in renegade chapters; I'm sure the Flawless Host has noisemarines, but they wouldn't be veterans the way EC are. Likewise the Blood Disciples may well have berserkers, but they wouldn't be comparable to World Eaters in terms of experience.

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Hey all,


I know that many are disappointed with the new codex. I have seen some posts about what you thing is bad or why it is bad, but I am interested in knowing what you would change.


So, here is the scenario:


You work for GW and you can change one, and only one, thing about the codex. What would it be? :)


Terminator options for Cult Troops. Or Chosen being like Henchmen from Grey Knights. Or Weapon Options instead of LOL plasma pistols. Or 10 point plasma pistols really.


Veterans of the Long War being ATSKNF + hatred Space Marines.

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There is no one thing, really. There are dozens of little things wrong with what's there, or things that should have been there but aren't, but just like none of them on their own ruin the codex for me completely, none of them on their own could fix my feelings that the book, overall, is somewhat lacking - incomplete and halfhearted.


EDIT: actually, I thought of something. Swords are cool, and the DV Lord with the cool daemonic sword is really cool, but the CSM book doesn't have any cool swords because power swords are meh and the murder sword is terrible. So If I had to fix just one thing, it would either be fixing the murder sword so it worked (give it the 'daemon weapon' rule in addition to the rest, or just make the 'murder' ability function in any challenge instead of tying it to a particular opposing character), or add some other fancy sword that lords of any alignment could use and that was actually, you know, good. Or at least ok. Even if it was just a 30 odd point power sword with the 'daemon weapon' rule.

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Veterans of the Long War being ATSKNF + hatred Space Marines.


I'm cool with ATSKNF being loyalist only. However we should be stubborn. We have hated the Imperium for 10,000 years, if that's not stubborn I don't know what is ...

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Would have liked 'chaos marine' to just be a special rule that included hatred: marines and stubborn. Both are highly fluffy for any chaos marine - if they weren't so stubborn they would have bent to imperial will instead of breaking from it in the first place, and even chaos marines who haven't been fighting the imperium for a thousand years would still hate loyalist marines for embodying both the virtues from which they have fallen and the imperial oppression which drove them to fall.


Veterans could be represented by something else. Preferred enemy, or fearlessness, or just separate units.

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