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Using Allies

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Greetings Brothers and Sisters,


I just saw this in the chaos ascendant forum and it got me thinking; How do you use allies to compliment your forces?


Personally I use daemonettes and fiends/seekers to act as a counter-assault/ last turn objective grabber unit whilst my noise marines shoot like crazy at anything that the daemons can't handle. I think that the Slaanesh combo is great because it means that i don't have to waste points kitting out my noise marine squads for both close combat and shooting; i can just focus on making them super shooty.

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+1 to the above ideas


I think with the right choices, deamonettes are a better choice as CSM allies because they will be less of a priority target. Seekers, though they aren't OP compared to screamers, still got much better with hammer of wrath.


Chariots are another thing to consider, but I'm holding out on forking over $ for them till I see what they are planning for the rumored Jan Daemon update.

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I would run Slaanesh psychic choir using Daemon allies.


Take two level 3 Sorcerers of Slaanesh which guarantees that both of them will have Symphony of pain. Noise marine squads with all sonic blasters and a blastmaster. Then take The Masque, your required unit of Daemonettes, and anything else you want from the Daemons codex.


In battle...use Pavane of Slaanesh to move and clump targets together, then cast symphony on them twice. Noise marines shooting at that squad are now strength 6 with blasters and strength 10 with blastmasters which are hitting a ton of models thanks to pavane bunching them all together. If anything lives they are also -2 WS and BS.

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Take two level 3 Sorcerers of Slaanesh which guarantees that both of them will have Symphony of pain.


No it does not. It gives you a 2/3 chance per dude though.


Overall your idea seems pretty fun except for the fact that your Noise Marines will be elites if you fill up your HQ with two sorcerers.

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I already have a pimped out Chariot ( hellflayer??) in the box and awaiting its moment of glory.

It will hopefully be joined by a Keeper of Secrets and some Daemonettes in the future.

I'd also like to try Slaaneshi themed renegade guard. They have some really nice FW models and the whole idea of collecting 3 varieties of armies all dedicated to one god and unified through thier bases, schemes and thematic background is too amazing not to aim for! ;)



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Take two level 3 Sorcerers of Slaanesh which guarantees that both of them will have Symphony of pain.


No it does not. It gives you a 2/3 chance per dude though.


Overall your idea seems pretty fun except for the fact that your Noise Marines will be elites if you fill up your HQ with two sorcerers.


Yea I forgot that a marked sorcerer isn't allowed to take all their powers from that mark's table. So stupid. Why cant a marked sorcerer take all marked powers... why? damn you Kelly!

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