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Converting Chosen to normal CSMs

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Hi, I'm planning on using the DV Chosen as normal chaos marines in my army, but they didn't arrived yet. For it to work, I have 2 major challenges:


- Convert the weapons they are using to fit the loadout of the CSM squad;

- Convert to add variety.


I've saw some obvious things that I can do already, like replacing the head of one of the twins in the box, shave off the mutations on the shoulder pads, backpack swaps... any other things. Any other suggestions are appreciated. I would like to do head swaps in all of them, since I plan to model at least 40 of them, dunno how really conversion-friendly they are.


About equipment, the ones that I'm more afraid of are the one with the twin lightning claws, and the one with the power fist, That's ok if I use them as champions, and keep the PF and one LC, but I would like these bodies for common troopers as well, since I just have 6 "frames" to build 40 guys. It's difficult to find a "resting" arm to replace for those arms. The Twin LC guy have his arms open, so I don't think making him holding a weapon with both arms, marine-style would work. What you guys suggest?


Other thing is the champion, with the powermaul. Is that difficult to remove/replace that helmet in his arms? How about his head?


Did anyone tried a full arm (shoulder pad included) swap? I was considering using those Noise Marine kits to make a squad (or even make some zerkers as well, and add a Khorne shoulder pad). Is it possible without some major resculpt? I don't have crazy GS skills.


Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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take with a pinch of salt as i have yet to get the models so going on what i think i could do.


arm swaps may be easier if you dont look at taking the shoulder pad and just thing about replacing the arm after the elbow pad. full arm swaps dont look like they would be hideous though. you can probably do a swap on all models except the duplicate guy to some degree. possibly a little GS work to rebuild the basic armour shape where you sit new arms


the mace looks easy to replace, either the head for an axe or sword bit (for a spear/lance) or the handle above the hand with a sword for a double handed sword.


main issue i see is variety of poses for the bodies - not sue how well they lend themselves to leg repositioning/swaps

Honestly man the problem with your idea is that even with a lot of sanding, hacking, and cutting the DV marines are going to stand out from normal chaos marines. Also there really isnt that much variety in the poses. It would take a ton of conversion work to make entire CSM squads out of the DV chosen. My best advice would be to just use the DV chosen as Aspiring champions for regular CSM squads. You can also use the mace chosen as a counts as lord with black mace. I also converted the one with the power axe in to a counts as Huron Blackheart using the left lightning claw off the lightning claw chosen model. I then used the two bolter guys as aspiring champions for my Havocs since they carry bolters anyway. The Pfist guy can be used as a plague marine champ since power fists don't suck on them. The remaining lightning claw guy (assuming you didn't use the claw to make a Huron conversion) could be used as a Lightning claw lord.


Again... I think that using them as aspiring champions is the best way to go since you won't have to hack your models up. I think that out of that box set your best bet for conversions would be to convert the dark angels stuff to chaos marines. That is a much easier conversion endeavour since you only need to shave off the chapter symbols and then use some chaos bits to make some decent looking CSMs.

I really don't care if they stand up, since the army will be 90% made of them - it's not like I'll have normal CSMs together to look bad near them :D


But yeah, I'm considering swaping just the arms before the shoulder pads, but some poses limit a lot how I can make them holding weapons, like the Twin LC guy, that have his arms quite open, what is a problem to make him holding some weapons. That's why in some cases maybe I'll need to reposition the whole arm.


I'm analyzing now the possibility of cutting them around the waist, to replace legs with raptor ones or some from the CSM box, or use them in bikes. But seems like just one or 2 are easy to do that. The tabards don't help much, but maybe I can put new tabard to conceal the details that will be cut in the process. Tabards will help too, since I don't plan to give robes to them, and the tabard can make the middle of the way look between a robed Dark Angel and it's Fallen version ;)


Maybe mixing some raptor bodies and heads will match nicely, since they follow the same new design ethos for CSMs - I would just replace the front torso cause of the jump pack harness, and maybe some leg repositioning will be needed, and it will add variety as a whole.

I'm browsing some bits stores, and got an idea: how about those helmeted Dark Eldar jet bike pilots' heads? Maybe it would look nice on some CSMs:




http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/product_info.php/...d3lasdg0nrne6q0 (this one is a wych hread)


And those scourge heads, maybe on a raptor or warp talon squad?



could be interesting


warriors of chaos from WFB are a good source of heads too - have a look at both the knights and warriros



I like the Chaos Warriors heads, but they are not the look I'm aiming for. But I wanted some of those punch-holed, gladiator-style from the Chaos Knights, but I can't find them anywhere :/


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