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How much is too much here?


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Simple thread with lots of theorycrafting.


Sorcerer, Terminator Armor, Mark of Tzeentch, Sigil of Corruption, Spell Familiar, Gift of Mutation, Combi-Melta or Plasma, Mastery Level 3 too much?


The plan is to have a 2+/3+ inv. sorcerer that can reroll spells, can get an extra boon of chaos for the entire game, can get a lucky pop on a tank or HQ unit, and can cast spells like a son of a gun.


Expensive but nigh unstoppable target, too much or just enough?

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Be wary of going All the Way with Sorcerers. The Perils of the Warp call closely.


And whenever possible you should rely on spells to crack armour and not combis (which are one-shot).

He also suffers from one glaring problem, low mobility.


A Landraider isn't exactly a cheap solution on top of his existing high point cost.



My 2 Kraks

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He might be able to, but he'd more or less be useless for at least 2 rounds.

I always try to maximize the use and movement of my HQs so that they aren't forced to waste rounds doing nothing but running around.

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Being limited to one witchfire per turn makes a mastery level 3 psyker less useful. All of the disciplines available to CSM have a witchfire primaris, which means if you roll more than one you're going to have wasted warp charge. With terminator armor, you only get a little extra mileage from the sigil at the cost of enough points to get you a rubric marine or five cultists. Continuing on the witchfire point, paying for a combi-weapon seems lackluster because it will compete to be the one shooting attack you do in a turn. I actually like gift of mutation because for a low point total it can be gamebreaking. The boon that lets you re-roll armor, for example, will make your sorcerer unkillable by anything AP3 or worse.


In my opinion you can get good mileage from a sorcerer with terminator armor, mark of tzeentch, spell familiar, gift of mutation and ML2 for a whole lot less. With the amount you save, you can actually afford another basic sorcerer or a squad of cultists to accompany him.

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