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Pre-Heresy Death Guard Color Scheme Test Models

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You can read the whole story and thought process behind these two models at my blog Pensacola Warhammer


I'm looking for tip, tricks, and criticism about my two pre-heresy Death Guard models.






One I did to reflect a more fluffy interpretation on the armor color. The other I did to look like what Forgeworld did with their Death Guard models, which look like this:




I'll be honest and say that I can go either way with the color scheme. I'm just wondering what improvements can be made, and what I can do to replicate the Forgeworld look.

Good news, I found a painting guided put up by Forgeworld on how they painted their Death Guard as well as the other legions from the Horus Heresy book. You can find it here. I'll gather the supplies and see what I can do. If there's anyone that could help me understand the instructions I would appreciate that. Mainly, I'm trying to figure what they mean by "high light" as well as what would be comparable colors in the Vallejo line.


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