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Second Wave


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I was wondering if anyone here has any estimation of when our second wave of releases will be? This is the first army I've actually played from day one of their release, normally I pick up an army a year or so after its hit the shelves, so I have no idea how much time typically passes between waves.
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What is there still to be released? Yes, we could use some new HQ models, since some are really old, we could use new bikers and havocs, but wouldn't get your hopes up too much.


Anyways, November is Fantasy, December was rumoured for LotR stuff, related to the Hobbit. Then there is a Dark Angel dex, and a Tau dex on the horizon. And June/july is always a campaign thing, either fantasy or 40k. Rumour has it for 40k this year, so if they are going to re-release a new model they have to fit it in an already very tight schedule..

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Yeah havocs, helbrutes, cultists, chosen, hopefully (not likely) multipart obliterator/mauler and hopefully (just as unlikely) CSM remakes, as well as all new HQ's. Wishful thinking, but I'd buy it. I'd forgotten about the hobbit though, kinda throws a spanner in the works.


And thanks Jonah, I'll make sure to keep an eye of that :lol:

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The hellbrute could use a non-DV model ( with the options for more convenient loadouts), cultists could get a real 20 man box ( i really can't see them keeping only a 5 man set for long), bikers, havocs, special characters, noise marines, thousand sons and berzerkers really could use a lifting. The release of new models doesn't need as much trouble as new rules / a new dex, and with the current schedule, there seems to be one major release each month (WD update of C:D, DV set, C:CSM, WoC update for fantasy), the next few things to be expected are the release of the Hobbit range ( end of november / early december) they might squeeze in some things for christmas, and i suppose the C:DA release in early january.
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Last I heard, we weren't supposed to see a second wave till middle of next year at the earliest. They were rumored to be working on a plastic helbrute box and some plastic thousand sons - possibly other cult units as well, but not specifically mentioned. I wish them luck in selling the sons, though, I'm kind of surprised they didn't learn their lesson from the 4e possessed box, that if they want to sell enough boxes to justify fancy new plastics they need to actually make the rules, you know, good.


Anyway, I'm hoping for new CSMs, or at the very least a multipart chosen box, but I haven't heard actual rumors supporting either, and I view them as pretty unlikely. Still, if they do plastic cult troops, then the sons & 'zerkers might be kit bashable into decent chosen, maybe. We'll see.

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Last I heard, we weren't supposed to see a second wave till middle of next year at the earliest. They were rumored to be working on a plastic helbrute box and some plastic thousand sons - possibly other cult units as well, but not specifically mentioned. I wish them luck in selling the sons, though, I'm kind of surprised they didn't learn their lesson from the 4e possessed box, that if they want to sell enough boxes to justify fancy new plastics they need to actually make the rules, you know, good.


Anyway, I'm hoping for new CSMs, or at the very least a multipart chosen box, but I haven't heard actual rumors supporting either, and I view them as pretty unlikely. Still, if they do plastic cult troops, then the sons & 'zerkers might be kit bashable into decent chosen, maybe. We'll see.


New CSMs seem REALLY unlikely since the old CSMs are part of the starter box. :P


Hoping for Noise Marines plastic resculpts.

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I thought the havocs recently went from metal to finecast. I know the old boxes had metal weapons.


They did but that box is horrible, there's only 1 of each heavy weapon. Entirely useless. Hopefully we'd get devastator treatment (though to be fair, they only get 2 of each weapon.) Still, they'd look much prettier.

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Where is this information coming from?


From what I understand, there is a model for every entry in the Chaos Space Marine codex. Something GW hasn't been able to pull off in a new codex release in a long, long, loooooong time. If ever.

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Of course, they pulled that off in part by putting out a codex somewhat lacking in ambition, bringing back terrible metal/plastic hybrid kits as terrible finecast/plastic hybrid kits, and rushing out finecast mutilator stand ins when the plastic dual kit mutilator/obliterator models that have to have been intended (otherwise, why do mutilators even exist?) fell through or got delayed. And even then, only if you count the starter box chosen & helbrute models which aren't available separately and, while very nice as individual models, don't come anywhere near representing the options available to the units in question.


Even with all those notes however, it is commendable that the entire range of models is represented in at least some way so soon after the book's release.



Still, rumors are a 2nd wave will be forthcoming sometime next year. While new basic chaos marines are incredibly unlikely, plastic thousand sons and noise marines in particular have been rumored, and plastic chosen and havocs aren't outside of the realm of possibility, so those hoping for new plastic chaos marine infantry bodies may get their wish, even if it might require them to do a bit of model re-purposing.

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the next few things to be expected are the release of the Hobbit range ( end of november / early december) they might squeeze in some things for christmas, and i suppose the C:DA release in early january.


The Hobbit release date strangely seems to coincide with GW's White Dwarf dates, 28th November is Hobbit initial release but I think UK date is 14th December for general release. GW are not allowed to show anything before the film is released but will it really be a whole months release on it's own? I mean how much extra stuff can they release for a film that is some dwarfs going on their travels? Well extra dwarfs and a new Gandalf no doubt, a box of goblins and possibly a dragon - if we even get to see Smaug in the first film as it's now extended to three films I'm not sure how far along the journey they will get in the first part. Maybe three trolls and a few spiders but it's hardly ground breaking stuff now is it? Maybe a re-release of battle of the five armies? Ooops should I have put spoiler alert tags on this? ;)


So maybe there is room for some extra goodies for a happy 40K christmas?

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