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Favorite unit


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As the title says, i want to find out what peopls favorite unit(s) are from the new dex. Be it a HQ, a special character or a vehicle. You dont nessecarily have to have had a lot of succes with, but mainly a boat load of fun.



So, what is your favorite unit?


edit: Does not need to be a new unit, just a unit from the new dex.. if that made sense :D

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Hmmm... Good question! And finally something with a positive spin on it for the new codex. :huh:


This is super tough for me because when we got the last codex, I retired my Iron Warriors because they really only existed as a paint colour only. So I really tried to embrace Huron.


I painted the guy up, put him in a ton of games and simply hated his rules, and thought he fell well short of his potential in Gav-dex.


But this codex I have thoroughly enjoyed him. In fact he's the only named HQ I can see using in 1500pts! So my vote would go to Huron. He's pointed about right for mid point games, and he truly has some rules that reflect his charismatic and devious ways.


BUT technically Huron is not a new unit so my vote goes to... The Hades Autocanon variant Forgefiend. The model has grown on me, but mostly it's how the unit plays on the table.




I just realized you didn't say new unit, I seemed to have put that in there myself. So yea, Huron, or then Bikes. Almost nothing new would make my list to be honest.

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Plague marines. Even with the 5+ FnP nerf, they are still rock solid. With the change to the fearless rules, if they get stuck in with anything short of terminators, I know I have stopped the enemy right there.
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There is no unit in the entire book that I unreservedly love. Every single one has some sort of mitigating factor that might not prevent me from liking it or using it, but certainly prevents me from getting excited about it.


However, if I had to pick a favorite, it would be Huron. Huron is awesome, with respectable melee ability, a real invulnerable save, some psychic support, and a kick ass army buffing warlord trait. He makes entire army builds possible - good ones. Flavorful ones. The only mitigating factor that stops me from getting excited about him is that he's a Red Corsairs character, and I play Black Legion. Maybe if I played Alpha Legion I could see my way to a counts as.... But as it is, even though you could call him my favorite unit in the codex, I just won't be running him.


But that's not his fault, that's not the result of anything actually being wrong with Huron, so I can't really hold it against him. So yeah, Huron is my favorite unit in the new codex.



Close runners up are bikes and raptors. Bikes are awesome, but their points almost feel too cheap, and I don't especially like the models. The raptor models, on the other hand, I love, and they're decent for the points, but suffer from being overshadowed by the bikes. Still, both units I quite like overall and if I was asked on another day either one of them might have come out above Huron.

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I liked them in 4th but they were so bad I rarely bothered using them.

Now I can use 15 and laugh as they zoom across the battlefield.


I never thought I would hear people complain about spawns being cheezy. :S

(Although I'll admit, 5 Nurglespawns for 180 pts is a very hard unit to get rid off, unless you're playing DE.)

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Can I just choose "Fast Attack"? I have a hard time choosing what to take there in any list I make. Everything is so good.


I guess I'd say Raptors. If we could make them troops or scoring, I would definitely take an army of them. The models + rules + options, makes them great.

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Gonna have to change it up on ya'll and go with a Sorcerer.

This is a unit I have never used before this codex and I must say that he is a blast. Cheap, effective, can pull off multiple roles, enhances your army, just an all around awesome guy.


Dishonorable mentions go to:


Cultists (Amazingly effective for how simple and crappy they are)


Forgefiend (He can lay down the law if he survives a turn or two)

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Well, this may be a little different but


1. CSM, yup i may be the only one with a small tingle when I kit them out - there just so damn customisable with everything from fluff only options to highly competitive builds.


2. Sorcerer in TDA with skalathrax brand - simply amazing IC to add to CSM or any squad really



Best IC goes to either Huron for his all round usefulness or the never mentioned Fabulous Bill, hes done well in CC and has added value to my troops. Even though im in love with Kharne since like 2nd ed.

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I'm a bigger fan of Khârn than Bile these days. Khârn may be lacking in invulnerable saves, making him a terrible duelist, but so long as you've got some upstart aspiring champion nearby to issue challenges, Khârn can go to town with his hard-to-come-by mess of high initiative, reasonable strength, AP2 attacks that hit on 2s, and for a very reasonable price to boot. Bile's buff is nice, but he pays a ton of points for it, and doesn't seem to do much on his own other than look totally badass.


He does at least do that much, though, can't complain there.

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I gotta join in with Huron too. He's always been my favourite character in 40k, but last edition his rules were dreadful. Now he's got kickass rules (not OTT) to go with his kickass model and even ass-kickier background :eek Also he has revitalised my army, inspiring me to paint up some Red Corsairs to go with my beloved Black Legion.


After him it's Chaos Space Marines. Not the biggest fan of the models, they could do with some work, but they are theme of the codex, adaptable and effective.


And finally sorcerers, cause Biomancy is so much fun ;)

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Cultists have to be my favorite. I completely rediricted my traitor guard project once i learned chaos book was getting cultists. Once i finish up my chaos units though i'll go back and finish the renegade guard for allies ;D.



The seige of Vraks may be of interest, its my favourite IA and ive used it heavily since vol2 landed. Well worth the price.

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