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Favorite unit


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1) Helldrakes X2 - I like dragons, I like things that kill marines, I love things that murder Long Fangs with ease - Helldrakes have been fantastic in all my games so far. Whether it's the pair of them Vector Striking a Monstrous Creature to death or clearing out an entrenched enemy, they've more than paid for themselves in literally every game so far. They're a rarity, I've found, in that they're much more effective on the tabletop than they look on paper (Baledrakes).


2) Huron - naturally


3) Daemon Prince - now, this isn't due to his 'power level' (though he has been amazing in most of my games anyway) - I just like the feel. Hits like a train on steroids (if such a thing were possible), but has his weaknesses.


4) Basic Chaos Marines - simply because they're so flexible.

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It's not so easy to pick out one unit and I agree with many of the choices here, fast attack slot has lots of options and it's tough to find a winner here, only the loser is easy - warp talons suck. Huron and Sorcerer are both very good choices in the HQ slot and will likely make their way into my own list. Basic csm are now great with so many options plus cheap cultists for fluffy but still very usable builds. I was expecting Havocs to get a mention here as they are also very difficult unit to leave out. All of which leaves me to pick a winner...drum roll please


It's got to be the Heldrake...


until anti flyer becomes more reliable it's a must include for me.

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