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cant decided raptors or warp talons?

cypher 89

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bad . too few attacks and grots overwatch and hit them back like normal marines , but each kill costs the talons a lot more.


they do ok again power armored targets under 9 models in the open , as long as there are HQ among those 8 or less models.



How about against an eldar guardian squad?

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Has anyone actually used Warp Talons in a game, or are people just buying into the meta-hype and the collective wisdom of the internets?

I've used mine twice so far. They did pretty good against other marines. Have yet to try them against anything but Marines.

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I think they could be ok...think about it they are marine killers...take 6 or 7 with MoK and they have a buttload of attacks with lightning claws....assault grenades or not they will shred any MEQ unit...just don't deepstrike them.


But they lose the cheaper utility of the raptors, who have access to more useful toys like meltaguns..

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so i started this thread and listened to alot of advice, but i wanted to 'try' warp talons out in a tornny, so i had 5 games , i played 3 marine armys, 1 dark eldar army and 1 guard army.

i ran them with the MON because i knew they would have to assault without grenades so t5 would help.


game 1 vs guard they got bogged down and killed through weight of numbers the enemy committed to killing them, but it did allow me to win the game as he committed to much to killing them and once they were down a defiler used his big battle cannon to mop up the remaining guard alive from the combat lol.


game 2 vs ultrsmurfs - they did quite well in this game they took out a 10 man dev squad and a 10 man tactical squad and my champion took out a captain and gained +1T from the boon table.


game 3 vs blood angels- they wasnt to bad in this game but got held up[ a turn to long killing a tactical squad and got counter charged by a terminator squad and wiped out


game 4 vs dark angels deathwing there wasn't much they could do here they did kill 1 squad of tactical terminators more to my enemy's bad rolling of Armour saves lol and my champion took out belial in a challenge, but that was again thanks to him taking a thunder hammer and ss me getting to strike first and him failing all his 2+ saves, but other than that i won the game through weight of fire.


game 5 vs dark eldar, i tried a different tactic here as he had lots fast transports, i kept them well hidden and used them to counter charge his squads as they hit my plague marine squads,, they survived the whole game accounting for 4 squads taken out whilst held by my plague marine squads.


so overall they did fine worked quite well, i know you can get a more cost effective raptors squad, but having 5 pairs of lighting claws really worked well and having the MON giving them T5 helped them survive even after having to charge certain united in cover, overall i liked using them and will add the squad to my army , not for every game but they will play a part in future forces of mine.

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Good to hear, it's always nice when something does better than expected, and the models do look awesome.


Your experience against terminators & belial, though, that's not something you're going to see happen often. As far as I can tell, that's a "let me tell you about the time my goblins took a charge from a blood thirster with no casualties, and banished it back to the warp on combat res" kind of story.

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game 2 vs blood angels- they did quite well in this game they took out a 10 man dev squad and a 10 man tactical squad and my champion took out a captain and gained +1T from the boon table.


Poor clueless BA-player. ;)

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game 2 vs blood angels- they did quite well in this game they took out a 10 man dev squad and a 10 man tactical squad and my champion took out a captain and gained +1T from the boon table.


Poor clueless BA-player. ;)


ha ha sorry i had to edit my post i mixed them up it was the ultrasmurfs that took the devs and tactical and the BA who took the terminators lol

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