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MSU Beserkers


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What do people think of 5 man berserker squads? Keep it cheap with just VotLW and a power weapon. Rhino might be nice to help protect them.


Basic idea is 5 guys is enough to kill most shooting squads without investing too many points. Against things like TH/SS terminators, they become threatening speed bumps.

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Well, how do you like playing Nids? You are describing a general Horde army and the disadvantage we have are the costs of a single model.

Now 5 man squads are shot away without a problem, with or without a rhino, I wouldn't like to try it.

The big difference is the long range abilities, the reason MSU worked in previous editions was because of more survivable vechicles used with units who can shoot very effective at a range.


Now in 6th Rhino's are not that though to crack and Beserkers do nothing in 6+" range.

What is important to remember is that either you are able to do some good shooting or are horde capable to surive good shooting and slash up in CC, like orks and nids.

Bezerkers are great in CC but lack the wounds to be able to walk trough fire if needed (and this will be needed).

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I am not feeling MSU zerker units


They will not take many hits to down, And they cannot sit on a point and shoot long range (like a 5man combat squad with a heavy weapon)


And unlike Vanguard, they can't Deep Strike into combat and kill their target shooty squad


Zerkers will need to fill a Land Raider, or be a Big (10 to 20) Squad on Foot, who will spearhead a footy charge into your opponen'ts deployment zone

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