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Slaaneshi lord builds


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Since Slaanesh doesn't have an awesome demon weapon like Khorne, I wanted to piece together some of the better builds for Slaanesh lords.

My default choice tends to be sigil, VotLW and twin claws. Cheap and deadly. Rerolling hits against marines and wounds against anything at I6. Kill them before they can swing if you're lucky.


I know people also like the steed and brand combo. While I can appreciate the irony of a Slaaneshi follower using a Khornish relic and I see the value in an outflanking torrent template, I'm just not sure this isn't a niche better suited to Helchickens.


So what else are people running?

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I plan on running running LC PF for power armor maybe a bike, LC chain fist for termie. Since with the new rules LC dont have to be in pairs to get the extra attack they just both have to be specialist weapons giving the lord the chance to use his I bonus vs. infantry and still pack a good hit vs anything with an AV and no WS.
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Black mace + Meltabombs, or Powerfist+Lightningclaw is probably the way to go.

As for the reast of the wargear, a sigil, a bike and gift of mutation seems like solid choices.

The Brand is probably viable if you have the points for it and don't use the Black Mace. Suits in a unit of Noise Marines as well. (Fluff be damned, call it a customized Doom Siren if you want, which sacrifices S for Torrent.)


I'm also toying with the idéa to put him on a Steed of Slaanesh and have him outflank a unit of Noise Marines.

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Ugh ... the idea of using an I1 fist weapon when I'm paying for I6 rubs me in all the wrong places...


2 Lightningclaws = 30 pts.

Lightningclaw + Fist = 40 pts.

While I understand your predicament with wasting his I6, 10 pts is a small price to pay for the option to strike at x2 Strenght and AP2 if needed.

You can still choose to put all your attacks into the Lightningclaw if you wish.

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I too love my I6 and never used a fist of any kind even in 5e. Then I used my loved blissgiver for a lord and PLC everywhere I could otherwise it was Power weapon. I have even been toying with the idea of using a power lance on a lord with a bike and bike champ just to see how it works out.
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Ugh ... the idea of using an I1 fist weapon when I'm paying for I6 rubs me in all the wrong places...


2 Lightningclaws = 30 pts.

Lightningclaw + Fist = 40 pts.

While I understand your predicament with wasting his I6, 10 pts is a small price to pay for the option to strike at x2 Strenght and AP2 if needed.

You can still choose to put all your attacks into the Lightningclaw if you wish.


Your logic does little to remove the icky feeling. :D

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Just look at it this way since they are both different weapons you get to pick which you use each turn so if you are fighting something with an I stat use the claw get the bonus attack,if you need to crack a tank or building use the fist and still get the attack. Since ^th came out the wolves have loved using this tactic, so why can't we use it too.
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Burning Brand, Lightning Claw, Steed of Slaanesh, Mark of Slaanesh (invul save depending on point value)


Outflanking with 3 bikers with 2 meltaguns




I felt that getting the extra attack from 2nd weapons isnt worth the versatility of removing a troop off the table on outflank turn (especially as charging off outflank is no longer possible)


Optional invulnerable save was put in as he has 3 biker bodyguards with jink, however, he died to mind war last game, so maybe an invul would be nice.


Also, tried outflanking with noise marines, but I would rather have my Doom Sirens firing up from turn 1, where 90 points of bikers can keep up with cavalry moves, and can do tons of damage to back rank vehicles with the meltaguns, and back rank troops with twin-linked bolters

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  • 2 weeks later...
About Burning brand feeling weird on a slaanesh lord : When Khârn was done toasting his own legion I think it's safe to assume he dropped the flamer somwhere on skalathrax... a Planet held by the emperors children no? I'd say it makes perfect sense that a slaanesh lord uses it :)... Maybe even was some sort of doomsiren-ish flamer before Khârn found it?
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I am building a Lord in TDA with a black mace and combat familiar. In most challenges that means I am going to hit on 3s and wound on 2s. With veterans of the long war, thats pretty much always going to result in 3 wounds before the challenger gets to even swing. Fail one and a toughness test and its goodnight and welcome to the warp ;)
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