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Warp talons

Brother RedAxe

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Has anyone actually tried using them in a game yet? Honestly I think judgement should be held of until we can actually see how they do on the table not in the math. As soon as I get to play a game large enough to be able to spar the points I plan on giving 6 of them a go with a jump lord and a 6 man termie assist unit, just to see if using the old magic numbers helps in any way.
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Dude you are insulting peoples ability to judge sv+3 high cost meq melee units without frags . they are worse then venguard vets [those could at least technicly drop and assault same turn] and how offten did we see those played ? or how offten were flying +3 sv possessed used under 3.5 ? or how offten do you see +3sv BT veterans used ?


they have all the problems jump units have in an army like ours [faster then most of army , problems in slogger builds because of lack of LoS blockers , being in same slot as bikers we need and drake some may find "cool"] and bring their own set of problems [high cost , +3sv in a shoty edition , no frags , no good support HQs for them , inabilty to deal with +2sv which is a gross sin considering their cost . costing like terminators but withtout the options terminators bring etc etc etc].


Please dont bring up the argument of "you havent use them yet" , because it is insulting to people both to those who just know they suck and to those that actualy did test units like this .

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Has anyone actually tried using them in a game yet? Honestly I think judgement should be held of until we can actually see how they do on the table not in the math. As soon as I get to play a game large enough to be able to spar the points I plan on giving 6 of them a go with a jump lord and a 6 man termie assist unit, just to see if using the old magic numbers helps in any way.


I don't have to field Mutilators to realize that they suck. I've played this game for so long that I can easily judge a units worth by their rules alone - I don't necessarily have to see how they perform on the field of battle first.

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I understand rules wise they suck and will only use them in friendly games or if i feel they will actually be useful. I can remember last edition everyone saying termies were only good for termicide But even in a tourny setting my squads of 6 bought their points plus in most cases. Also who knows how the rest of the dexes this edition are going to pan out so possible some day they might be quite useful. Also this dex seems to be full of units that need to be used in concert with each other to even be useful. Sure there are some stand out individual stand alone units but that is not how armies work for real and it appears that the 30k army lists are working similar to the talons anyway, and with chaos being directly derived from those legions and not the foundlings like loyalist forces it makes sense to have a unit like this in our dex.
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