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Captain Castigon WIP

Res Ipsa Loquitur

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I posted this in the WIP forum too, thought I'd get more comments here. Mods, if you have to delete one, can you delete the one in the WIP forum, please?




Comments and criticism, please. I'm personally not sure about the choice of head. Thought it would look great but in practice I think it looks 'off'. Also considering swapping to a pair of running legs.










PS. I know, mold lines; mold lines everywhere. They will be attended to, this is just a dry-fit.

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Ah, forgot about the FAQ. Shows how much I pay attention to Captains.


I would turn the head slightly so it's more angled alongside the blades path, or turn the arm slightly so it looks more like a side-ways cut and less Captain Traffic, and running legs would look really nice - especially with the cloak flaring out. Although there is nothing wrong with the head, I would think the Death Company helmet with the grille and blood-drops (has the skull on the forehead) or the one with the three-teardrops on the brow would look really ornate and good for the Cappy.

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Looking good so far! Nice use of the different kits, the cape is probably the best bit out off the commander sprue.


I think running legs would look great and since the cape already creates movement new legs probably will fit very well. Maybe with running legs the sword arm needs some repositioning depending on which pair of legs you choose, but nothing else really. Solid build.


The head is actually not a bad choice, some prefer 'clean' faces to those heads with respirator however. I'd go with the screaming head from either the DC or the Sanguinary Guard sprue.

Can't wait to see some paint on him!




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I'm working from home today so obviously I've spent most of the morning not doing any work :)


Spent some time farting around with the posing and trying some different heads and came up with this;








I've decided to stick with the 'Tactical' legs. I tried using 'Assault' legs but since his Honour Guard have already been built with Tactical legs ol' Cap'n looked out of place.


What do we think?

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Have you tried twisting the torso and angling the sword down? He could look like he's slashing across an enemy torso or three and make the tacical leg position make more sense, because its already got the weight on the back foot and leaning a hair forward.


Oh, and this sounds incredibly cheesy, but when posing models, I like to stand as if I'm attempting to use the weapon they're equipped with, be it melee or shooting, and then look to where my legs and arms naturally want to go. It makes the models look much more realistic if you can imagine yourself doing the same motions, and have all the limbs and joints moved in the right way to match.

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Oh, and this sounds incredibly cheesy, but when posing models, I like to stand as if I'm attempting to use the weapon they're equipped with, be it melee or shooting, and then look to where my legs and arms naturally want to go. It makes the models look much more realistic if you can imagine yourself doing the same motions, and have all the limbs and joints moved in the right way to match.


:lol: :lol: Same here, buddy! Makes for some very funny situation when an uninvolved person stumbles upon you, standing in the middle of the room, posing your arms and looking down at yourself. :lol:



Helmet is looking good Res! Maybe a bolt pistol with more iconography?





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At the shoulder for the sword, so that the blade is parallel (or nearly so) to the ground. And twisting the opposite direction to what you have now. You essentially have a dude looking down his left arm, turned to his left now, so you could make the model look like a character spinning from his right to his left, the head leading, torso (and thus arms) following, and legs trailing. It will end up looking like something between a standing left slash and a combination shoulder rush and left backhand. Depending on how you do it, the running legs may make more sense in that case.


I'd draw a sketch, but we'd be here all day.

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