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1000pt Emperor's Children


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Like many others I have been bitten by the heresy bug. I started the army a while back, before betrayal, with the aim of making a codex space marine zone mortalis list.


Since the where lists have appeared I have switched over. At the moment my two main problems are e sergeant weapon options being more restricted and the size of squads. However pride of e legion has come to my rescue (it is almost like fw gave us this as a gateway into heresy era lists).



Emperor's Children




Combi melta, paragon blade, iron halo, digital weapon, prided the legion



Contemptor dreadnought

Kheres pattern assault cannon, plasma blast gun, extra armour



Veteran squad

6 strong, heavy bolter, sergeant with power fist and combi plasma


Veteran squad

6 strong, heavy bolter sergeant with power sword and plasma pistol



Seeker squad

3 combi plasma, 1 combi melta, sergeant with power sword and combi melta



1000pts on the nose.


Planning on using either furious charge or fearless on the vets, sniper ruins the heavy weapon and they have no anti tank weapons for tank hunter


Edit: fixing code

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Honestly, I think it's less than 20 marines and a dread that die trying to get into weapon range without transport. Nice for parading, though - which IS fluffy for EC ;)


I'd suggest either the drop pod rite (tacs instead of vets), rhinos or a land raider instead of the seekers. add apothecaries for durability. have a look at the EC special dread, too.


btw, sniper is one of the best vet rules! now all your weapons wound on a 4+, rend, pin and pic their targets on a 6. what's not to like? even better on flamers!

Thanks for the feedback.


This list represents almost my entire model collect. My extras are a sergeant with bolter and power sword, two plasma cannon marines, 4 assault marines and an assault marine sergeant with plasma pistol and power sword.


The reason I don't like sniper is that it makes special/heavy weapons worse, since they now wound on 4+ rather based on their strength. Also my reading of the rules is that sniper weapons get wound on 4+, precision shot, rend and pinning


However a model with sniper only gets wounds on 4+ and precision shot.


My plan is to expand into large tactical squads, but I need more bodies and new sergeants, since none of them have legal weapons under the betrayal,list for tactical sergeants. However my latest purchase was cataphractii, a rapier destroyer and shoulder pads.


I'm also hoping that others are in the same boat as me and will not have enough bodies to deploy large Tatical squads.

Hm, depends on what "sniper weapons" is supposed to mean...weapons with the sniper rule, weapons fired by models with the sniper rule, or both. I take it as both: one hint is that the introductionary/fluff part of the entry talks about sniper weapons only. Another is that "sniper weapons" count as S3 against vehicles, regardless of the distinction that has just been made in the sentence before. So if you read it to mean weapons with the rule only/not models, you would use your normal S against vehicles for your Heavy bolters (but why use them against vehicles?), yet still wound T<5 on 4+. This is poorly worded :cuss


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