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Choosing a Codex


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Thanks. ^^


Yeah, the only difficult component is the heads, really. Anything else can be made from two boxes (Tac Squad and Necron Warrior box), although I did end up using a few DEldar bits for the guns, and the multilaser obviously requires extra parts (I used a gauss blaster and a valkyrie multilaser).

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Amazing Thallax! I like biggrin.png

The reason I want to use the GK book is the fact that I am wanting to create a knight titan house. The GK dex is in my opinion the best book to represent that.

Or Chaos Space Marines, Forgefiends and Defilers can cover the Knights pretty well.

Yes, but that would require me to get over that icky feeling that I get when I even touch a chaos codex...teehee.gif

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Thanks. ^^


Yeah, the only difficult component is the heads, really. Anything else can be made from two boxes (Tac Squad and Necron Warrior box), although I did end up using a few DEldar bits for the guns, and the multilaser obviously requires extra parts (I used a gauss blaster and a valkyrie multilaser).


My thoughts for the Thallax revolved around Tau Stealth Suits...

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I'm working on a squad at the moment, actually.

So far I've been using Tactical Marine and vehicle Tech Marine torsos, tactical marine pelvises and Necron Warrior arms and legs, with scavenged Dark Eldar pilot heads. I haven't figured out the Lightning Gun yet, but my Photon Thruster is a Gauss Flayer crossed with a Dark Eldar Blaster, and my Multi-laser is a Gauss Blaster crossed with a Valkyrie Multi-laser.

I've cut the vents off SM backpacks and attached them to the backs of the thighs and the Jump Assist orbs directly to the Marine rear torsos, then covered the tops of the arms with Marine shoulder pads. Looks pretty good on a 30mm base.

I apologise for the poor photo quality;


Edit: lol, and now I realise that two of those have the other method I experimented with, just attaching the Necron legs straight to the Marine torso. The multi-laser guy has the method described above.

Nice conversions thumbsup.gif

I used the necrons legs with some modification for a "bionic Chaos Space Marine" and I was quite pleased with how they look. I had to perform some cut just to lower the models height and they appeared to be as high as chosen from DV.

Anyway I think you made a very good work with the Thallax msn-wink.gif

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Yeah, didn't have to worry about them being too tall with Thallaxi - they're meant to be Terminator-sized, and the extra height from the Necron legs and DE heads really lets them fill the 35mm bases a lot better.


The main problem with them is A) getting the arms to work (Necrons have ball joints, Marinese have large flat surfaces. That leaves a tiny contact area once you file the Necron balls flat, and make it REALLY hard to pose them) and B) making the weapons. Since we don't have a design for a lightning gun, I've improvised... but I can't get them to glue on to the arms properly. Sigh.

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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone tried the new Codex:Tau for Ad Mech?


I plan on it. Here's what I have thought out so far


Riptide= Knight Titan


Broadside= Dreadnought sized war bot


Crisis suits= Thallax cohort


Drones= servitors with legs replaced with hover platforms


Devilfish chassis= hovering rhino chassis a la custodes


Best part is that they are battle brothers with space marines, fitting in very well with my Iron Hands :)

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Technically there's an Elites choice and a Heavy Support choice, too, although we do have to basically file the aquilas off them.


On the subject of the Betrayal Ordo Reductor list, can anyone give me a page reference for the Blessed Autosimulacra special rule the Mechanicum Land Raider has? I've read the book forward and back and I can't find what it actually does.



The rule you want is in the FAQ



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